𝐱𝐢𝐢. Breakdown in the woods.

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❝We are the grand daughters of the witches they couldn't burn.❞


Miracle quickly approached her locker, opening the metal door and shoving her books into the small, contained space.

She had her final class of the morning session, debate, starting in only a few minutes, and with a slam of the locker door she shut the questioning teen up rather suddenly.

"What?", she quizzed, her mind having traveled far away.

Mason sighed, his head shaking as he frowned down at the shorter girl, "I asked you about lunch break", he stated, his figure leaning against the opposite locker, "Liam and I are heading to the gym, do you want to tag along?".

The tribrid frowned, her eyes squinting at the dark skinned boy, "And what would I do?", she asked matter of factly, "Stare at you too for who knows how long instead of eating?", she chuckled.

Mason scoffed, his eyes rolling as he stood straighter, "You always come with me!", he retorted, shoulders slumping slightly as he pouted, "I have some really interesting informations that I wanted to share, but, never mind", he stated, Camille's attention setting on him as she perked up.

"Damn it, my hoodie", the boy muttered, the tribrid chuckling as he remembered the forgotten item.

"The info?".

The teen boy chuckled, a shit eating grin forming into his lips, "You really think that I would tell you right now", he teased, the red head shooting him a glare which had his arm snap toward his backpack, it coming with a half eaten bar of chocolate which he handed to her.

The wolf's eyes grew wide, her jaw dropping slightly as she snatched the candy from her friend, mumbling a thank you as she stuffed it in her mouth.

Savoring the sweet treat, a small groan slipped past the blue eyed girl's mouth, her tongue darting over her lower lip to lick the traces left on her over it, "How graceful", Mason mocked, a loud laugh filling the almost empty hallway, Cami scoffed in return, "Three year of ballet, man, three years gone because of my addiction to sweets", she scoffed, her own laughs mixing with the taller, an amused smile adorning both of their features.


"You know how I keep reminding Garrett to give me back my hoodie?", Mason wondered as the red head scoffed, "You have whining about it for three days straight", she groaned in annoyance, Liam mumbling a faint yeah in return as he focused on the weight he was lifting.

The dark skinned boy nodded, a frown settling onto his forehead, "Well I remember he said he lived in that house development on Splauding, so I went there and guess what", he spoke, voice posing for suspense, "That housing development is still in development", he explained frowning at Liam.

The witch's faze followed her friend's, her head tilting slightly, "Take it easy there", she spoke, voice warning.

Liam rolled his eyes placing himself on the bench again, "So?", he grumbled still not looking at the two teens, "There are no houses yet, so unless the dude lives in some backhoe, there's something he's not telling us", Mason continued, Ira perking in the conversation.

"Or, he didn't want you to know where he lives because he loves your hoodie and doesn't want to give it back", she chuckled, Mason smiling before continuing his rant about, "And there's this other dude, man. He's, he's been acting really strangely. Running to school for no reason. Disappearing at parties", he scoffed, head shacking in fake disappointment, "Used to be my best friend", he complained.

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