𝐯𝐢𝐢. A Sabrina Morningstar move.

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Walking through the nurse's office, the boys placed Liam onto the chair so that she examin him.

As the newly employed nurse checked his leg, which had became way worst than before, the skin now contain it a purple-ish color, her touchs seemed to only cause pain judging by the groans emitting of him.

The young woman has decided that Liam should get an x-ray since there was nothing that she could about it, Cami's legs shuffling onto the tiled floor as her brother exited the office in a hurry.

"What are they saying?", Stiles asked, face invading his friend's space as she shushed him, her focus being set, "And I'm sorry about before, before before, when I did that thing in the hallway", Scott spoke, voice hesitant.

Miracle blank, face contorting in disbelief, "What?", Stiles quizzed, body, "He's apologizing for kissing her!", she exclaimed, Liam starring at her in confusion, "Why is he apologizing?", the blue eyed girl questioned, head shacking in mistrust.

Stiles scoffed, figure marching around the room, "Is he serious?", the spazzy boy mumbled.

As Cami's feet led her to the door, the wooden object was thrown open, the latino boy stumbling inside, "Are you serious?", the witch screeched, "She likes you, why are you apologizing?", she screeched, Stiles nodding in agreement

The Male alpha sighed, hands running over his face, "I don't know what to do, okay", he stressed, "I like her too, but I don't want to mess up and ruin whatever it is that we have", he spoke, arms being thrown upwards.

"Thing you have? What thing, dude?", Stiles noted, his body moving into the inner circle, "Unless you're talking about the undeniable attraction which neither of you will act upon", the blue eyed girl continued, eyes fixed onto her brother's state, he was nervous.

Stiles stepped forward, his hand latching onto the latino boy's shoulder, "Listen man, you're gonna man up, you're gonna go out there, and you're gonna tell her", he stated, head nodding as Scott recreated the act, his feet leading him out of the office once again.

Camille scoffed, face scrunching in disgust as the sound of kissing filled her ears, "They're kissing", the freshman noted, body moving beside the window as Liam starred up at her.

"Told you we will meet again", she chuckled, the blond smiling slightly, his features contorting into pain as he moved his body sideway.

"Was that, like, a coded conversation?", the blond frowned, hair latching onto his forehead, "You won't get it even if it was", the tribrid grinned, head titling as she looked out of the window, Liam's eyes blinking up at her, a small smile creeping onto his face.


As the three boys walked into the hospital, Ira chuckled, her body spinning around as she marched backward, "You know what's funny?", she questioned, the males staring at her in confusion, "What?", Liam wondered, the males glaring down at him.

"You guys helped me escape detention with an excuse", the blue eyed girl giggled, Liam nodding as he remembered the situation, "He doesn't seem to like you", he noted, the boys dragging him inside, "Oh, but he doesn't".

The tribrid's bit onto her lips as she heard her name being called, body spinning around, she noticed her mother staring up at the boys and herself, a confused look gracing her features, "Uh, hi, mom", the siblings chorused, a sheepish smile adorning their faces.

"It's all his fault", the female spoke pointing at the latino boy, her head titling innocently as she backed behind Liam, "Really?", Stiles interjected, a scoff leaving his lips as he shook his head, the freshman boy only attempting to stiffen a laugh as the hazel eyed boy glared down at him.

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