𝐱𝐯. When the truth comes out.

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❝When the monster are tired of hiding under our bed, they climb into our head.❞


As footsteps reached her ears, the tribrid sniffled, her hands wiping around her face in an attempt to fix her allure for the confrontation that is yet to happen.

Her brothers and Liam's voice filled her senses, the other two supernaturals trailing behind them as they entered the room.

Miracle looked up, her red, swollen eyes meeting the two juniors' in an instant as each rushed next to her, the blond and the females only frowning as they inspected their new surroundings.

"Don't", she mumbled feeling her throat tighten around her as she barely let the word escape, a forced smile taking place onto her lips.

The witch stood up, her hand shaking the small paper it contained in disbelief, her head tipped to the side as she waited for any of them to explain, the group, -other then Liam, shared looks, their features guilty, "Please tell me this is some sort of messed up joke".

Camille pleaded, her eyes switching between her brothers yet they both refused to meet her intense stare, their attention diverting around the room, even as her breathing grew heavier, even as her lips trembled and her shoulder heaved and even as the small room shook.

Her dark lashes brimmed with tears, her hands clenching into shacking fists as she desperately attempted to hold back from accidentally unleashing her magic.

"Can you guys get out?", she spoke, voice harsh as she kept glaring at the juniors in front of her.

Hayley frowned, her figure moving towards the tribrid in a way of assurance as said girl turned to her in an instant, eyes full of anger, "I said get out!", she snapped, Scott nodding along as he subtly ushered for them to leave and to take Brett out with them.

The redhead looked up, the door closing almost instantly as the group of people exited the room leaving the three to face each other.

Camille shook her head, her brows growing closer as she waited for the two to start their explanations, she seemed calm, too calm for the anger bubbling inside her, "So?", she wondered, her eyes squinting as they travelled between the taller boys, "When did you find out?".

Scott shrugged, a heavy sigh falling from his parted lips as he stepped closer to his sister, her only shacking her head as she moved back, "Just let us explain", he pleaded, the blue eyed girl frowning innocently as her lips pursed, "I am", she stated, arms falling limp by her side, "Go ahead, I'm listening", she urged, her eyes blinking, numb of emotions.

"We did it to protect you", Stiles stated, his head shacking as he looked up, "We've talked to Hope, and she told us everything", he sighed, his sister only nodding tearfully as she looked at the ground, "And why did you not tell me?", she questioned, her nostrils flaring as her fingers threaded through her hair, "Do you think that I will be mad because I'm adopted".

The latino boy frowned, his gaze travelling around the room in some sort of distress to find his words, "No, of cours not", Stiles denied, his hands flying around him as if to empathize his point, "We all know that it wouldn't matter for you", he continued, Miracle starting at him in disbelief.

"Then why didn't you tell me!", she raged, her voice bouncing off the walls as she glared at the two, "If you know that it doesn't matter to me, then why did you keep it a secret?", she quizzed, eyes squinting as she nodded, "Did you think that I would just go with them?", she scoffed, her attention shifting between the two.

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