xxiv. | terrible idea

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The night was coming closer and closer, Elena dragged her feet across the wooden floor, her squinted eyes tried to locate her friend

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The night was coming closer and closer, Elena dragged her feet across the wooden floor, her squinted eyes tried to locate her friend. Elena knew Kiara needed a friend, she also knew that maybe Sarah Cameron was going to be mentioned in their conversation, and honestly, Elena didn't know what to say. She wasn't going to pick sides, Elena loved both girls, she loved Kiara and her passion for taking care of her planet and friends, she loved how Kiara never settled down for anything less, she worked hard for what she wanted.

Sarah Cameron wasn't that different from Kie, Elena saw how compassionate and strong-headed she could be. Elena loved how Sarah Cameron stood up for herself, how she spoke her mind, and always found a way to have fun. Elena loved them both and of course, she considered them her friends, she wasn't going to pick someone, she just couldn't do it and wouldn't do it. She now understood John B in some way.

"Kie? Are you doing okay?" Elena whispered at her friend. Kiara looked up at her, a weak smile appearing on her lips. "Do you want to talk?" Kiara shook her head and looked away towards the island water, the faint sound of seagulls was heard, it was, peaceful.

"I don't really want to talk about this whole situation, I don't care anymore of what John B chooses, that's his problem." Kiara sighed and sat straight up. "But I do want to talk about you." Elena looked at her, she was confused and scared, what did she want to talk about. "Are you really going out with Kelce?"

"Shit, I had forgotten about that for a minute." Elena gasped and bit the inside of her cheek afterward, her face met her hands when she gave herself a facepalm. "I promised him that, so I have to keep my word."

"And what does JJ think of that?" Kie asked her friend who sat down beside her. The confusion started forming again on the Herrera by the mention of JJ. "I mean, he's not too keen of Kelce and well, I'm pretty sure you two already have something going on."

"Why do you say that? Anyways, JJ or Pope or even John B would say the same thing, I shouldn't go out with Kelce, that he's a problem," Elena leaned her head on Kie's shoulder as she spoke, "I know that and I will be careful, if he gets in my space, I will make sure to tell you guys, but Kelce is disgusting, I didn't tell you what happened during Midsummers."

"No you didn't, tell me, what happened?" Kiara moved to be facing Elena, making her lose balance for a second before regaining gravity.

"I overheard Kelce saying in the bathroom while the security was pulling JJ out, that if I was willing to go to third base with him." Kie's expression was mixed between disgust, gasps, and anger. "Then I just heard a fight almost breaking up and also Rafe saying that you're too hot for a pogue."

"I'm definitely hot, I don't belong in the Kook side, too many sicko's," Kiara brushed that aside before returning her gaze on Elena "And you're still deciding on going out with him after hearing that?" Elena nodded her head and Kie's eyes opened wide enough that they almost popped out "Elena how? Why? You better slap his face when you see him, he's disgusting."

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