xxiii. | gold digging

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Elena followed behind John B, he was quicker, cautious, and less scared than the rest of the group, John B found an entrance behind the house, lowering their heads the group got inside the home or at least got under it

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Elena followed behind John B, he was quicker, cautious, and less scared than the rest of the group, John B found an entrance behind the house, lowering their heads the group got inside the home or at least got under it. The brunette coughed a few times as dust got into her system, she was shushed almost immediately by Pope and JJ, the place was dark even though light kept on shining outside, flashlights were pulled out and shined around them, making it easier for them to find their way and not crash with stuff around. Finally, they were all standing upward, no lower heads, their eyes finally adapted to the change of lightning around them.

"See any water?" Kie asked, her flashlight trying its best to light around. Her hand swapped a mosquito, but there were too many around them. "Another dead end."

"Okay, there's no water, can we go now? There's a lot of things here that can get us sick." Elena shivered at the thought of that.

"Scared princess?" JJ asked, he walked past her, his eyes looking around as well.

"Look who's talking about being scared." Elena answered back, a grin on her lips.

"There's not even water on the pipes." JJ touched the metal that rested below the ceiling. Elena wanted to tell him not to touch anything but it was late, for everyone else, they had touched everything.

The three of the pogues started bickering about the water and how this happened because of bad karma, things that were getting a bit annoying for John B. Elena, well, she just wanted to go back to the hospital and stay with her mother, but she also knew that John B needed them, but not in this attitude.

"Maybe the water dried up, but that doesn't mean it's all gone? Right John B?" Elena looked over at her friend, he shrugged but smiled at her.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you about Sarah." John B looked at Kiara, he was annoyed by her sudden change of acting, and Elena was a bit annoyed too, there was so much negativity coming out of her. The two of them kept on fighting but this time was about Sarah Cameron, another endless story.

"Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?" The question and the slap were a surprise to the rest of the pogues. They all gasped in unison.

"Stop treating me like I'm some girl that's obsessed with you. Instead of your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you." Kie answered back at John B, and when he asked if he had hit him "Skeeter." she raised her palm at him.

"Skeeter? Huh." John B took a second and slapped Kiara's cheek, gasps were heard again.

"Can you not?" Elena sighed and tried to step in but the two of them started punching and hitting each other. "Wait, when did you two kiss?"

"Oh please like you and JJ haven't kissed." John B said as he walked towards Kie and kept on playing.

"You told John B?" Elena turned and looked at the blonde, the flash blinding his eyes.

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