i. | i call dibs

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"John B? What does the B stand for?" Elena asked him curiously and looked for her shoe on the ground before locating it and grabbing it

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"John B? What does the B stand for?" Elena asked him curiously and looked for her shoe on the ground before locating it and grabbing it.

"It stands for Booker, John Booker Routledge, but my friends call me John B." He explained with a smile and crossed arms

"That's interesting, never heard that type of nickname before, I like it." She said smiling back receiving a thank you from his part "Also, you consider me your friend to call you John B?" the question made him chuckle looking down for a brief moment before looking back at her eyes.

"I mean if I get to save your life I am sure I get a friendship pass?" His smile showed some sort of proudness from his comment. "Well I see my friend isn't home right now, so I will be back another time. It was nice meeting you, Elena." John B smiled before walking away from her.

"Hey, John B." Elena shouted and the male turned around stopping his tracks putting all his attention back to her "If they get here, should I tell them you were looking for them? And also what's their name?" with head tilted to her side Elena was intrigued by who was living next door to her.

"Is okay Elena, I'll text him, your neighbor's name is JJ, don't get your hopes up on meeting him today, he might not show up." John B explained as he walked closer to her again.

"What do you mean he might not show up? Doesn't his family wonder about him or something?" Confused, Elena looked at the house, she did wonder why hasn't anyone come out, maybe there was no one right now. She wondered about them, why wouldn't someone care about their child?

"It's just JJ and his father but, you shouldn't bother Luke, that's his dad, he doesn't get along well with others and he's not the closest person to his son so" Both of them looked at the house for a brief moment, the only sound heard was the birds in the sky and the flowing of the tree due to the small wind that was starting.

"Well thank you for the warning John B, I'm sure I will get to know JJ at some point, but it was nice to meet you and sorry about falling on top of you like that." scratching the back of her head Elena walked back to her home as John B walked away waving her goodbye.

"Was that out neighbor?" Melissa questioned looking behind her sunglasses, she was sitting on the bench outside in the front porch of their home, probably long enough to have seen her sister and John B talking.

"Best friend of our neighbor actually." Elena repeated the explanation John B had told her when she asked him that question.

"Oh really?," A cheeky smile appeared on her face and stood up looking out as John B drove away and passed by their home "If he's that good looking, just imagine our neighbor, I hope they have a sibling, brother or sister, don't care." Melissa added to her comment making Elena roll her eyes and enter her home.

The rest of the day Elena spend it inside of her room and only got out to eat or to shower, but she continued on her bed which she moved towards the window with the help of her sister. Elena kept looking out and could see the backyard of her neighbors, she noticed how tools and work stuff were scattered around, she could see a small portion of their house. But no people.

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