xvii. | helpless

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The night was filled by waves of laughter and music, games and serious talks, Ernesto Herrera sometimes joined the teenagers to check on them or even play a board game - when it turned into a betting game - but he also gave them space when he knew...

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The night was filled by waves of laughter and music, games and serious talks, Ernesto Herrera sometimes joined the teenagers to check on them or even play a board game - when it turned into a betting game - but he also gave them space when he knew they needed it, the pogues continued to enjoy their night by dancing and drinking.

"Can you turn your music down, some people here are trying to enjoy their night." The screams were coming from JJ's house, all attention turned to look at Luke, JJ's father, he was walking towards them in a fast pace, even under the dark sky, they could see the anger in his face.

"Dad," JJ's body tensed up when he turned around and saw him "We were just having some fun."

"Hi Luke," Ernesto greeted the Maybank with his most gentle voice "We are sorry about that, we will lower the volume now, would you like to join us and eat dinner? We are having burgers." He continues but Luke just ignored him and looked at all the teens.

"Who had the amazing idea of throwing a party at this time of night? huh?" Luke stared at each of the teens with widened eyes, his eyes falling on Elena, his jaw tightened and his fists clenched "Was it you?" JJ who stood now beside her moved in front of her, his arms holding her back.

"Dad, it wasn't her, we were all leaving anyway, don't worry." JJ's voice was different, it was shaky and scared, he wasn't the same confident JJ they knew, well, the Herrera's already knew this part of the Maybanks, so Ernesto already knew what he had to do if things got out of hand, Luke just sighed and walked away.

"You come home right now." Luke Maybank shouted out, he didn't care if his friends were there, or that Ernesto was hearing him, he didn't care. Elena gripped JJ's wrists from stopping him from leaving.

"Can he just stay to finish his dinner, Mr. Maybank?" Elena appeared behind him, Luke turned around, his eyes shifting from Elena to JJ and back to her, he sighed again and waved them off, Elena took this as a yes. Finally let out the breath she had been holding, leaning her forehead on JJ's back.

"Well, now that he actually mentioned it, it is late and I gotta go back home, care to give me a ride John B?" Pope asked at his friend, picking up the dishes he had used, the rest of their friends helped out as well.

"Care to stay awhile?" Elena asked at JJ, she was still holding his wrist but her fingers were slowly touching his. "You can leave if you want, but you're welcome to come over if you want to as well." Elena whispered at JJ when she said it, JJ looked back at her and smiled.

"Thank you, princess, I'll stay to help you clean up, and then I have to go, I gotta report myself before I get into trouble." JJ answered at her, pulling away from the girl to help the others. Elena felt cold all of the sudden, the warmth of his hand was no longer there, she turned around to see her friends, the vibe had changed when Luke appeared, she knew that if he hadn't shown up, they would still be partying or just having fun.

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