xx. | midsummers

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The day for the Herrera's was hard, being woken up by the sounds of her sister's puking from the night before, where Elena had figured out that Wheezie and her, spend the night out, drinking

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The day for the Herrera's was hard, being woken up by the sounds of her sister's puking from the night before, where Elena had figured out that Wheezie and her, spend the night out, drinking. Then there was her father, who didn't sleep much but it wasn't because he had pain, it was because he couldn't sleep, but the morning he had fallen into a deep one, and snores overcome the house. Elena couldn't take it anymore, she got out of her home and sat at the stairs of the front porch, she tapped her foot on the stairs and tried her best to listen to the sounds of the chirping birds.

She wasn't really in the mood of going to Midsummers, the rich event Kie had invited her to, but she knew her friend didn't want to be alone at that party and honestly, Elena didn't want to be here another minute. It also meant she had to see the faces from last night, Rafe, Topper, and Kelce would be there, she didn't want that. Elena shook her head trying to take her mind out of those memories but now the memories of the night before with JJ kept haunting her, wanting to take power over her thoughts, she needed to apologize for her actions, she didn't mean to kiss JJ, especially when she knew he had feelings for Kie and Kie well is her friend, a friend who probably felt the same way towards JJ.

She noticed the Maybank's Jeep pass next to her house and saw briefly JJ's face looking out the window, bloody and his eyes tearing up. Elena stood up and followed the car carefully, being cautious about not being seen. Maybe this wasn't the right time to apologize but she could at least check upon him.

"Get in the house boy, right now" the scream of Luke made her jump, for whatever reason, JJ's father was furious. Maybe this is a terrible idea, she thought to herself, stopping briefly and shook the idea out of her mind before starting her steps again. Keeping her head down, she made her way through the back door, the blaring of rock music started, and all Elena could hear was Luke screaming at his son, cursing, and just being a complete asshole.

"You are a worthless piece of shit, tell me where the hell are you going to get 30k?" the screams of Luke scared Elena. Whatever had just happened, she knew it could end up being a mess if she knocked on the door. So she waited outside on her back porch, seconds turned into minutes, and those turned into hours.

Elena kept on pacing side to side biting the nail of her thumb and cracking her knuckles, there was silence on their house and JJ hadn't come out just yet, that was until she heard the engine of the motorbike, her attention quickly went towards the blonde who drove pass her and returned.

"I'll drop you off at Kie's, hop on." JJ said and without thinking, Elena did as told sitting on the back of the motorbike and grabbing the helmet JJ gave her, wrapping her arms around him and hearing the engine of the motor start "You ready?" He asked her making Elena nod her head and just like that the motor drove away from the houses towards their destinations.

JJ arrived at Kie's house and stopped the motorbike in the entrance, Elena hopped off and took off the helmet, adjusting her hair making it look more presentable, a smile appeared on her face, it was a pained smile, she could see the dried up blood on his face, the swollen lip and bruises forming in the corners of his lips and eye. And there was no way she would talk to him about last night.

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