xii. | keggers

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"So we didn't see anything, we don't know anything

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"So we didn't see anything, we don't know anything." Pope pointed directly at each of the pogue members once he walked in though the back door of John B's place. "We need to have total and complete amnesia." The group felt eerie about this whole situation but somehow John B was the most confused about it.

"Actually Pope's right for once." JJ's voice caught the attention of everyone as they looked over to him "See I agree with you sometimes." Standing up he leaned to the wall "Deny, deny, deny."

"Guys we can't keep that money." Kiara spoke but was immediately responded by JJ complaint.

"Okay, not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara." A comment that he thought would made her laugh, didn't happen, Kiara just rolled his eyes at him.

"We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs, otherwise is bad karma." Elena heard Kiara's words but she didn't really believe in that. For her it was just money that would come and go, and she also thought about keeping it, not for herself, but to help with her mom or even her dad.

"Bad karma can be implicated in a felony, too." Pope said it directly at John B, who hasn't spoken a single word this whole time. "We gotta go dark."

"If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree."

"I don't agree." John B said, the group looked over to him almost with a question mark in their faces, JJ being the one to ask why "Just think about it, this is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about." He continued, walking over to the other side of the floor, his eyes looking at them all.

"Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole." Elena never met Scooter but the way John B talked about him, she knew Scooter was living in the Cut side. "Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas." Yes, he was poor, really poor. "We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat who's never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of the sudden, he's got a Grady-White? Just sayin'" John B had a point, there was something off about the whole situation, but what could they do about it?

The group couldn't give another opinion, it had run through their minds what John B said, how did someone so poor all of the sudden had something so valuable in their hands. Pope was the first to stand up and ask where the fishing rod was, he needed to think about this. JJ went behind him and said he wanted to fish as well, the only two missing on following the boys were Kiara and Elena, they both stayed on the couch.

"You okay El?" She asked nudging her arm, Elena turned her head to look at her and nod her head.

"It really is weird, all of this, but I mean, I didn't know Scooter so, what can I say?" Shrugging her arms Elena stood up and patted Kie's leg "Come on."

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