xv. | the secret message

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"I mean it's obvious, right?, A family heirloom, what better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" John B's voice filled with excitement

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"I mean it's obvious, right?, A family heirloom, what better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" John B's voice filled with excitement

"Yeah, it's possible." Kiara said, her face unsure of telling John B the truth for a moment, but looking back her eyes set on Elena, she was shaking her head, Elena knew that Kie was really thinking about telling John B something.

"You know what, what your father did John B, was a very creative, I mean he didn't choose a message in a bottle, nothing cliché you know." Elena chuckled at her comment, leaning back her head towards the window

"It can also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help," Pope didn't dare to look up "you know, deal with your sad feels."

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels, dank nugs, and the stickiest of ickiest, that's how I do it." JJ said looking away and to no one, his eyes stared out to the abyss.

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message." John B had a rush of inpatient by the comments his friends were starting to give him, the car was silent and no one dared to speak up again, be on the opposite side of their friend.

"If it helps you believe John B." Kiara was the first to speak up, and her comment seemed to make John B a little bit madder.

"Look, I, I don't need a therapy session, okay? Look, I'm not tripping out." Elena knew what John B was doing, she knew the process of mourning, he was in denial, but she wouldn't tell him that, it wasn't the place or the time to do such a thing.

"It's okay to trip, bro, but." JJ was interrupted by John B, it seemed that everything that the pogues said made John B explore.

"Look, my dad, my das is missing, okay?" John B's head turned to look back at JJ for a moment, his eyes looking at each of his other friends before turning his attention back on the road "Missing." He repeated as if the word he just said needed to convince everyone in the car, even himself. "You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish, and then have no idea what happened." He was right, maybe they didn't know, maybe they did too but they weren't going to argue. JJ with his mother and Elena was losing her mother too, slowly but she was vanishing. "Just wake up every morning wondering." John B looked at Kiara as he said those words.

"It's been almost a year." Kiara said she was trying to get John B to get some sense into the whole situation.

"Hey, uh, he could have been kidnapped, that's definitely a possibility." JJ tried to lighten up the mood by putting out a possibility even if it was still dark, but it was better than the death idea.

"Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere." Pope joined JJ in this, Elena just looked at them and nodded her head.

"Maybe your father is working undercover, imagine how cool working as a spy." Elena joined and stared out her own idea, Pope nudged her arm and nodded his head.

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