xviii. | thunderstorm

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"Sarah thank god you're here

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"Sarah thank god you're here." Elena sighed deeply and jumped off the chair towards the blonde "Save me from the boys." The girl chuckled and opened her arms for the brunette to hug her "Where were you?" She asked Sarah, hugging her gently before pulling away and walk beside the blonde to her room.

"I had some things to do on the Cut side, I saw a friend of yours, John B, real angel" The sarcastic tone in her voice made Elena chuckle. Elena didn't quite understand what was their type of "relationship" Elena just knew that John B worked for the Cameron's and well, the fight he had with Sarah's boyfriend.

The girls walked away from the living and headed to Sarah's room, the blonde groaned loudly throwing her bag on her bed and laid on the bed just beside it. Elena sat down beside her and sighed deeply, leaning back against the headboard.

"So you met Adrien already, that's nice, he is a very nice guy," Sarah said and took a peek over at the other girl "And Kelce, well, is Kelce."

"I mean yeah, Adrien is very sweet." Elena agreed with Sarah, but the way the blonde was looking at her she knew she was waiting for something else "Okay, he is very cute too but I'm not looking for a boyfriend Sarah, I'm okay being single." She lied through her teeth, Elena hadn't been in a relationship for over a year now and she kinda missed the feeling of having someone and receiving love in a romantic way.

"I never said having a boyfriend, but now that you have mentioned it," Sarah sat up on the bed and leaned over to Elena's side "is there any boy that has caught your eye? They don't have to turn out to be your boyfriend, but just someone who can make your days a lot more fun?" Elena giggled at her question, she looked at her, her eyes had the crinkles at the end from her smile and Sarah just knew, that there was someone. "Oh, My God Elena, who is that guy?"

JJ, Elena couldn't lie that he was the guy that popped in her mind when the question was thrown, shaking her head Elena tried to hide it, keep his name out, get into her stubborn mind that he was her friend, and nothing else. But the image of the blue eyes and dirty blonde hair kept on buggering her.

"Can we forget about this topic, Sarah? I've spoken too much already and I just don't need to talk about boys," she sighed leaning her head back but standing up quickly back to her previous position "like, boys are just really weird and hard to understand, I just don't seem to get why they don't speak about their emotions, it is annoying, I mean, just say how you feel, easy peasy."

"Do you find it easy when it comes to talking about your emotions Ellie?" Sarah asked, sitting up next to her, Ellie was just a special nickname Sarah had given her when she wanted to have a "serious" talk "Have you told boys that you liked them?" Elena didn't answer, why did she get into this mess, how could she complain about guys not showing their feelings when even herself have had that hard time to speak up.

Sarah left the topic out of their talks, instead, it turned into a talk about summer plans and the life of the Pogues, every other moment Sarah would ask about Elena's mother, ask if her uncle was treating them right and Elena always responded with a yes and thank you, it wasn't until later on the afternoon when Elena decided to return home with her sister, there was another reason and that was Melissa constantly annoying her with texts that Wheezie was getting on her nerves and wanted to leave and hang out with the Pogues. Elena wanted to leave too, the afternoon was slowly starting to become a party and the alcohol was making its appearance in the guys. The Herrera's were off the house, ready to leave and finally get some peace. Leaving Figure Eight Melissa had fallen asleep along the ride, the sunset was starting to start, the older sibling just wanted to get home, get on the roof and watch the sun disappear behind the horizon as the night sky took over, the gentle stars shined bright and her eyes started searching for the biggest and brighter one. Even though she tried her hardest to think of the beautiful sunset and future night sky, her mind kept on bringing back the memories of last night and from a while back. JJ. He kept on invading her mind and a smile seemed to appear on her lips when the image of her blonde friend came back.

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