ii. | the wreck

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Veronica had picked up her daughters and her husband stayed back home to rest, she had decided that having a girl day in the figure eight part of Outer Banks would be good, the town had similarities with their hometown back in San Diego, and havin...

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Veronica had picked up her daughters and her husband stayed back home to rest, she had decided that having a girl day in the figure eight part of Outer Banks would be good, the town had similarities with their hometown back in San Diego, and having her daughters seeing this part of town would make them feel closer to home. Also, Veronica really needed to buy groceries, she wasn't one to accept the food from others.

"Wow look at this place, this is amazing!" Melissa has her face plastered to the back window as her eyes scanned every single thing she could see, her smile was wide and amazed by the sight of the rich area of Outer Banks.

"This is what they call Figure Eight, this is where the doctor lives," Veronica explained to her daughter as she drove towards the grocery store, even that place looked like rich people shop their food.

The building was small but modern, with bulb light hanging from the ceiling outside, the small shop was openly public, a basket of fruits stood outside and the scent of bread came from the inside, it was an aesthetic place to take pictures of an Instagram model.

"Well girls, grab something you like, we'll be making enchiladas tonight so, grab your drink and something else." Veronica gave each of the girls a 20 dollar bill, both happily took it and made their way inside the market.

Elena started searching up for mangoes, her favorite summer fruit above watermelon, on the other hand, Melissa who was looking for her own summer snacks, popsicles, and pineapples. Music filled the market that came from the inside speakers, the vibe in the place seemed to relax the older Herrera sibling, she did feel like she was back at home, she felt in peace, she might like Outer Banks, well at least this part of the town.

"Sorry girls," Then the peace came to an end as Elena's mother reached their space with a frown "Enchiladas will wait until another time, they don't have enough ingredients. But bring your snacks, we will take them home." At least there's were good news after this.

Leaving the market with bags on their hands and hunger starting, the Herrera's started searching for food places, restaurants, or just a food truck.

"What about this place? Melissa pointed out from the middle seat to a place called The Wreck, they just arrived at a red light not far from the market, it seemed like a nice place to eat and since they needed food, they didn't bother to look it up online and search what they gave out.

"Well I am hungry, I would eat anything. Just if we do not tell dad about it" Elena looked at her mother and chuckled at the comment.

"Wait a minute, didn't you girls have breakfast?" Her mother asked and drove again as the red light turned green, turning a right towards the restaurant. Both sisters looked at each other and shook their heads. They didn't eat the scrambled eggs, they just picked them up and kept them in the fridge. The only food they had eaten since their morning was just fruit and cookies they had in their bags from yesterday. "Girls, breakfast," Interrupted by both daughters who finished the sentence.

"is the most important meal of the day." They said in unison as the car came to a spot, parked in an open lot, chuckles filled the car as the three women hopped out of the vehicle towards the restaurant.

It was a nice place, the blue tones surrounded them, the smell of burgers and fries, the laughter of people who were either waiting for their food or munching their food. The place was perfect for a family lunch or dinner, Bob Marley's music came from the speakers and just behind the counter of what it looked like the bar and kitchen, stood a tall male and a younger woman, maybe father and daughter.

Veronica Herrera walked towards a free table but as soon as she was about to seat down, Melissa asked if they could eat outside and enjoy the fresh air, there were free tables on the outside and the climate was fresh, it wasn't hot still, summer heat that could make it impossible for them to eat on the open, even though they had the ocean near to refresh them.

"You guys start, I'm going to the bathroom." Elena said with a smiled and walked towards the bar "excuse me?" she said trying to catch the attention of the female. The curly brown hair was picked up on a bun and styled with a blue bandana, her attention wasn't on Elena, she was busy on making two drinks and setting the fries on the dish. "excuse me?" this time Elena's voice was louder, making the girl turn around and apologize.

"Is totally okay." she said and shook her head "could you tell me where I can find the bathroom?"

"Kie!" a male voice screamed, a group of guys walked inside and waved at the girl "Hey Elena!" John B said as he was the first to walk in the place. Both girls waved at him, Elena's attention back at the girl whose name she knew now as Kie. Feeling an arm around her shoulders Elena looked to her right to notice John B standing next to her.

"Kie, meet Elena, she just moved next to JJ." Introducing both girls Kie stretched her hand out and Elena took it gently giving a small shake before Kie could continue her work. "Elena, that's Kiara, Kie for short, she works here with her dad, he owns this place." Elena was impressed by that fact.

"Hey stalker, you've been following me or something?" JJ appeared on the corner of her eye and leaned back on the bar on the other side of Elena who just rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"You wish I were stranger; I came here with my mom and sister, any recommendations?" Looking at the group hoping for an answer so she could order something delicious. "Order the nachos and burgers, Kie makes the chili and let me just say." JJ mimicked the chef kiss making Elena chuckle.

"Well thank you for the suggestion, I will definitely order that, if its no problem Kie?" as the brunette shook her head and responded with a no problem Elena looked back at the boys, John B kept her arm around her shoulder and JJ started talking to another guy. He was introduced to her as Pope, a nice guy, and sometimes kept JJ on tracks with his jokes.

"Well we better get going, we are planning on catching some waves, later today, wanna join us El? We'll pick you up if you are down to join us" JJ asked the girl and grabbing a fry from a plate that Kie just set on the bar. John B and Pope started walking towards the door and stood beside it waiting for their friend.

"Thanks for the invite, I might join you but I don't know how to surf, so probably just gonna sunbathe or something."

"Well, we will gladly show you how to surf any day if you like to, it was nice meeting you El." Pope smiled giving a small wave before heading out followed by John B and JJ who both screamed at the top of their lungs a long woohoo.

"Sorry about them, and by the way the bathroom is just at the end of this corridor, the woman's bathroom is your door at the right". Kie explained to her and motioned her where to go. She had forgotten why she was there, and honestly, Elena didn't need to go to the bathroom anymore, thanking Kie, she went back to the table where her mother and sister were, with their drinks ready and ordering food to the waiter.

"Can I order the burger with fries? Thank you." Elena said as she walked towards the table, the waiter taking note and nodding before walking away and into the place.

"That took you long enough, bad stomach ache or something" Melissa giggled and took a sip of her lemonade, getting from her older sister a slap on the back of her head.

"Actually, I saw our neighbor and his friends, they had invited me to the beach today, is there a possibility to join and make friends?" Looking with hopeful eyes to her mother who just looked at the menu she had on her hands. "Mom?"

"I mean, we just arrived, we need to finish unpacking and well, I don't know darling, maybe another time? You can tell your neighbor you are sorry, and also he is your neighbor, you will be seeing more of him, so don't worry about that."

Elena laid back on her chair and scoffed, she finally gave up on the idea of even trying to insist on her mother, the food came to them and JJ was right, the nachos her sister had ordered, were delicious. Elena's mom was right about one thing, she was sure that seeing JJ and his friends would happen more than once and being invited to their adventures, it wouldn't be the last time it happened.

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