xiii. | a compass

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Elena woke up by sounds of bird chirping, she slept on the couch of the Chateau, she blinked a few times and stretched her arms, she remembered last night as if it was a headache, she groaned and stood up, slowly and carefully she walked over to J...

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Elena woke up by sounds of bird chirping, she slept on the couch of the Chateau, she blinked a few times and stretched her arms, she remembered last night as if it was a headache, she groaned and stood up, slowly and carefully she walked over to John B's room, who continued to sleep, she checked to see if he was still breathing and he was, the relief that he was okay made Elena smile, she still needed to check on his bruise but that could be after when he woke up.

Breakfast, maybe she could help around by making breakfast, walking outside towards the roosters and hens, grabbing three eggs with caution so that she wouldn't be pecked by the animals, she heard the sound of a car door closing, Elena cursed under her breath, she had forgotten that she had to leave early and be home so she could accompany her father and sister to hospital and visit her mother. Elena didn't want to but she promised, she didn't know what time was it now but she sure knew it was past eight in the morning. She hid behind the back door and peaked through, seeing it wasn't her father but Sheriff Peterkin and John B, woke and looking around, Elena placed her back to the wall and listened.

She couldn't really understand what they were saying but she could catch that DCS were worried, she heard about the party and also that Peterkin was curious about the marsh and if they found something, the wreck specially. Elena tensed up and tried her best to focus more on listening to the conversation, she wasn't like this, to eavesdrop, but she was involved in all of this mess, so she had to know. Peterkin seemed like she wanted to help John B, but was she going to collaborate on it? Well, she didn't really know.

Elena opened the back door the moment she heard the other one, she saw Peterkin walk away and John B throwing a can to the other side.

"You okay?" She asked, John B looked up to her with furrowed brows

"How long where you here?" He questioned moving his hair back with his fingers

"I stayed the night to check on you, you okay?" She repeated herself and walked over to him "I grabbed some eggs to make breakfast, if that's okay?"

"I'm okay, yeah totally okay." He nodded his head but looked away from her for a moment to return his gaze "Yeah that's okay, but you shouldn't do it El, you did enough by staying."

"Is there anything I can do to help you out? I kinda listened to Peterkin and what she said about Foster Care, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Elena apologized looking down at the floor and biting the inside of her lower lip.

"No don't worry about that, you heard Sheriff, we just gotta stay away from the marsh, that's all." John B stood up from the couch and walked over to Elena pulling her to a hug and kissing her head "Don't worry about me El, I'll be okay."

"Well, well, I guess the pogue on pogue rule just ended." There was another voice heard from their side, both of them turning to see JJ, Kiara and Pope making their way inside the home.

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