xxi. | overhearing conversations

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Elena and Adrien danced to two songs, they slowed danced and talked about themselves, Elena laughed at the few jokes Adrien made and Elena talked about her family when he asked what made her move to the Outer Banks

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Elena and Adrien danced to two songs, they slowed danced and talked about themselves, Elena laughed at the few jokes Adrien made and Elena talked about her family when he asked what made her move to the Outer Banks. Their talk had moved from the dance floor to an open table, the teenagers were laughing about the imagery of a drunk teenage boy dancing ridiculously around some girls and making a fool of himself.

"Tell me, Elena, what is it about being a Pogue? Why didn't you prefer being a Kook?" Adrien asked, his fingers playing with the corner of a napkin, Elena looked at him with a tilted head and confused about the meaning behind his question. "Oh I do not mean this as a bad way or anything like that, I am very curious about the Pogues, unlike Rafe or Topper, they seem like the funniest people ever, they seem to have more fun than us, I mean, you guys live the life at its fullest without the riches, that's something."

"I guess we just don't need them to have fun, it's like little kids," Elena tried to explain, her body leaning forward "Kids see a stick on the floor and suddenly it's a wand or a sword, they make every little thing a playground. I think that's how we are, we like to have fun." Adrien smiled and looked at her, making Elena feel in the spotlight, she sighed and leaned back on the chair, her eyes back on the crowd, and there he was, JJ Maybank standing next to Sarah Cameron, giving her something, Elena squinted her eyes as she tried to focus on the image, it didn't take long until JJ got lost in the crowd.

"Will you excuse me for a moment." Elena didn't look at Adrien, the brunette stood up from her chair and followed the blonde, she stopped her fa at walking when her eyes fell on JJ being surrounded by Rafe, Kelce, and a bunch of more guys. This situation was becoming more complicated than what she thought first, and then, the boys started picking up their pace. Elena cursed under her breath and hurried along picking up her dress being careful not to step on it and fall face first.

People inside the house stared at the guys, they were causing damage around them as JJ tried to outrun them, Elena apologized to a few of the bystanders and continued along. She should've called out their names, anyone's name but maybe that would cause more trouble or something. They passed the bar into the living room, JJ managed to throw down some chairs behind him, buying him some time, Elena stayed behind when the boys stopped, she didn't have to be seen by them, not by Rafe or Kelce. A guy said to follow them, they had made another way and Elena followed, all of them got into the men's bathroom. Dead End for her, she couldn't walk in there. So she stayed next to the door, thankfully the women's bathroom was next door, so easy for her to just get inside and hide just in case.

"Hey, hey," Elena called out a man who was passing by, he had the same clothing as the workers from this place, the man turned and looked at her "I need your help, some guys got my friend in there cornered and I'm pretty sure they are going to beat him up, can you help him, please." Elena's voice was rapid but understandable, the man turned to look at the bathroom door and back at her.

"I'll see what I can do." He said and winked at the young one, opening the door, Elena took a peek over his shoulder and she was right, she could see Kelce having a hold of someone, JJ, just like the movie night from a day ago. The door was closed and it was for Elena's time to wait, be patient.

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