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Elena woke up on the couch next to her mother's bed, JJ was standing next to her, the brunette immediately knew that he was the one who had woken her up, she yawned stretching her arms back

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Elena woke up on the couch next to her mother's bed, JJ was standing next to her, the brunette immediately knew that he was the one who had woken her up, she yawned stretching her arms back.

"I think we have to go, Elena, do you want to come, or do you want to stay?" JJ whispered at her, Elena turned to look at the woman in bed, sleeping peacefully.

"I'm joining you guys, let me just leave a little note for her." Elena smiled at JJ, watching him walk out and waiting for her. Elena grabbed a napkin and searched for something to write, it took her a moment until she found a red pen. Elena wrote down how she had to leave and she would come back, she left the room and saw the boys goofing around throwing punches at each other.

"We ready to go?" John B smiled down at the brunette who nodded at him. The group returned to the boat, John B sailed away and returned to where they had left the girls. Elena yawned and squinted her eyes at the sight of the two girls, alive.

"Well, they are alive still, so that means, John B, you are dead." Elena turned to look at him and laughed.

"You forgot your keys or something?" JJ shouted out and laughed too, John B followed up jokingly asking the girls if they needed a tow.

"You gotta admit it was funny." John B said looking at everyone but it was Pope and Elena on the boat who shook their heads at him.

As the boat got closer to them, Elena could see the faces of the two girls, they had furrowed eyebrows, clenched jaw, and just pure hatred for John B, Elena was finding this exact moment just a little bit funny, she knew that John B was getting in trouble.

"Yeah, that sucks." Sarah Cameron joined in with Kiara's disagreement of John B's "excellent" plan.

"You still love us though, right?" JJ asked them, Sarah just agreed with him but she didn't show much emotion or forgiveness. JJ threw the rope towards Kie and they all watched how she tied it up.

"We're both gonna get you back when you least expect it." Sarah Cameron crossed her arms over her chest looking down at John B, Kiara stood beside her and looked at the group as well.

"Better watch your back, boys." Kiara and Sarah Cameron shared a look and Elena just chuckled, that little look between them gave away the answer, they had made peace, they were in good hands now. "Elena, you are not safe, you were part of their evil plan so expect revenge."

"I told them it was a terrible idea, but they didn't listen to me, punish them." Elena put both of her hands up and looked at the girls, the two of them smiled at Elena, a sense of relief and joy overcame her, she knew that the three of them would laugh about this moment later, Sarah Cameron and Kiara Carrera were willing to work together, and for the boys, that was progress.

"You guys ready to jack someone up?" John B asked looking at the girls, Kie was the first to jump back into the boat followed by Sarah Cameron.

Sailing back to the van, the group of teenagers laughed a while and talked. Elena was glad no one asked questions when John B said they went to the hospital and visited Elena's mom, they all smiled, maybe it was sympathy or maybe they were actually happy they got so visit Veronica Herrera.

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