xxx. wanted

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Elena's punishment started the moment she walked into her home, the first way of punishment was that her room had no door, so there was no way for her to lock herself up and try to run away anymore, second punishment was that her bedroom window ha...

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Elena's punishment started the moment she walked into her home, the first way of punishment was that her room had no door, so there was no way for her to lock herself up and try to run away anymore, second punishment was that her bedroom window had bars outside, another way for her to stop running away, and last punishment, no phone, no way to contact her friends. How long was this punishment going to last? Well, that was the mystery of it all.

"Elena? Can we talk?" Melissa whispered outside her room, she saw her older sibling sitting in the floor, hugging her knees close to her chest and looking away from her.

"I don't want to talk to you, not now, not ever." Elena answered back angrily, ignoring the begs of her younger sister. "I said, I don't want to talk to you, leave me alone."

Elena spent the rest of her night in her room, either on the floor just watching her space or curled up in bed trying not to cry. There were moments she stared outside her window, hoping JJ would come by or wave from a far, but it never happened, she just wished he was okay, she wished her friends were okay.

Elena didn't sleep much, perhaps two hours or so, she just sat in her bed and watch outside, staring at the sunset, telling her that a new day started and she could start making peace with her father, but that didn't occur really, how could she make peace when she was the one who disobeyed him.

Next morning Elena got the silent treatment from her father and she gave it to her little sister, breakfast was quiet and uncomfortable, too uncomfortable that even every movement Elena made felt like her father would  ground her for another month.

"Dad? Can you turn the radio on? Please?" Listening to his younger daughter, Ernesto Herrera turned on the small radio box, letting the music flow out. The song was already ending when the news broke out.

Sheriff Susan Peterkin was killed and the prime suspect was none other than John Booker Routledge.

"It can't be." Elena stood up pushing herself away from the dining table. "There has to be a mistake, he couldn't have done that." Eyes were her, her father shamelessly grinned.

"I told you, that boy is trouble, and I'm pretty sure his friends are helping him, that makes them dangerous as well."  Her father looked away from her, continuing his meal and changing the station.

"No, you can't talk about them like that, they are so important to me dad, they are my friends," Elena could feel the anger building up "those are my friends who've been there with me through the worst moments of my life, they were with me at the hospital when mom got sick, JJ stayed with Melissa taking care of her while you were in the sheriff's station. Everyday after that, they asked how I was doing, how my family was doing, they came with me to visit mom, they helped you around the house when things got a little difficult. They are so important to me, and you can't talk like that about them. Not anymore, not just because some white rich guy told you so."

EVERYTHING I WANTED | JJ MAYBANK ✓Where stories live. Discover now