xxix. | breaking orders

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For someone like Elena, priorities were always messy

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For someone like Elena, priorities were always messy. She would tend to be selfish and think of herself instead of those in need. Sometimes it could be the other way around and she would be placing herself at the end of the list of people she would look after.

As for right now, searching for a way to meet up with her friends was a priority, she knew she had to see them after the text Kiara had sent her, from what she understood John B was safe, he was okay and back home. Ward was okay too, he didn't even look in trouble or anything like the way people were gossiping about. Its been three days since Elena's father ordered and prohibited her to see her friends, but the sensation of wanting to see them grew stronger, it became like an itch she really needed to scratch but she knew that if she did, the itchiness would be more consuming.

"Mel, are you busy?" Elena knocked on her sister's door, she could hear the gentle music on the other side, hearing her come in, Elena got inside the room, clean, surprisingly clean.

"What's going? Elena headed towards her sister's bed, laying on it and finding her comfortable position. Melissa was too busy to notice her presence in her bed, she had been too focused on her nails while she painted them with a minty green color.

"I've got so many things going on in my head right now, and one of them is primarily that I want to sneak out and meet with the guys." Rolling over Elena sighed feeling the cold sheets on her back. "But there's also mom, I wanna stay here and go and see her more, you've seen how better she's getting, and from what I heard she's going to be discharged pretty damn soon."

"Elena, look." Melissa turned around her hands flapping around to air dry her nails. "We both know how much you need them, how much they mean to you. You need to tell dad how much they mean and tell him that you'll be with JJ, you know how safe Dad feels when he knows he's there with you." Elena bit the inside of her cheek, her mind thinking about what Melissa had just said.

"You know dad Issa," Elena sat down. "He won't just say yes until John B is proven innocent." And just like that, it seemed like a lightbulb was lightened up above her head. "Thank you for helping me, Issa." The brunette happily stood up from the bed and jumped towards her sister, pressing a kiss on her forehead, giggling her way out of the room.

"That was scary, don't do that again." Melissa shouted from her bedroom making Elena laugh at her comment.

The older sibling locked her door, she looked around, her eyes locking with her backpack next to her bed, picking it up she looked inside, making sure she had everything she needed inside, she made her way towards the bedroom window and carefully snuck out. She needed a ride, she wasn't planning on walking towards John B's place, she didn't even know if someone was there, so, she had to make some calls.

"Pretty please Kie, pick up." Elena looked back and kneeled under her window, she didn't want to be seen and thankfully the wooden box that rested beside the wall since they had moved was still there.

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