xiv. | the lucky compass

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Elena looked and looked at her reflection, there was something that didn't convince her, maybe it was the half up - half down hairstyle she did, or maybe that her golden eyeshadow looked a bit uneven on the ends

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Elena looked and looked at her reflection, there was something that didn't convince her, maybe it was the half up - half down hairstyle she did, or maybe that her golden eyeshadow looked a bit uneven on the ends. It wasn't any of those, what was happening to her came from the inside. Elena had decided to go visit her mom, she needed to see her, she knew it would pain her seeing her in a hospital bed, but it isn't something she hadn't seen before, her father was on a hospital bed once, also fighting for his life, or at least to not be paralyzed.

"You ready kiddo?" Ernesto appeared on the reflection of the bathroom mirror behind his daughter, Elena nodded and walked outside, the arm surrounding her and pulling her into a hug. "Everything's going to be great, I know it mi tesoro." Ernesto started walking by her side, both of them heading to the car.

Melissa stayed the night with Wheezie and Elena was excited for her comeback and ready to tell her about the dangers she had lived yesterday and also tell her that she was glad she sent her little sister home. Elena looked over at the Maybank's house, Luke Maybank was outside working on something that he didn't notice or listened to Ernesto call him.

"Dad, why do you keep trying on talking to him? He has never waved back to you or be nice." Elena asked her father from the copilot seat looking behind him to take one last look at the Maybank's.

"Well, I guess that is nice to make friends, the only adult person that I ever talk to is either Dr. Cameron or Carrera when I go and get us food from The Wreck, but no one else, I gotta stay at home and take care of my two troublemakers." Ernesto jokingly said, making his drive towards the Figure Eight side and to the hospital.

"Are you ready kiddo?" Ernesto asked Elena, they both were sitting in the car, waiting for Elena to be ready, but Ernesto also felt that the longer they stayed, the bigger chance Elena would abort the mission.

"I guess I am." Elena sighed looking down at her hands for a moment, seeing her father's hand on top of hers, and with a gentle squeeze, Elena knew she had all the support from him.

The hospital wasn't filled by people like Elena imagined it would be after a hurricane, but that wasn't her main focus for the day, all she had to do was set her mind ready and face her mom in a hospital bed.

"Here we are, you ready?" Ernesto asked, his hand on her shoulder giving her a gentle squeeze, Elena smiled and nodded her head.

Knocking on the door a few time Ernesto opened the door, the beeping sound of machines was the first thing Elena heard, she saw how her mother rested in the bed, needles and tubes connected into her skin, giving her the nutrients she needed whenever the cancer in her blood started eating her. Making her weak.

"Elena." Veronica muttered, stretching her arm out for her, Elena walked over and smiled taking her, her daughter started breaking into tears, falling on her knees and pressing her mother's hand against her forehead. "Mi princesa, are you okay?"

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