xxvii. | downhills and hot tubs

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tw: ab*se and se*ual ass*ult
it will be written a little explicit so beware

Melissa was someone who never asked for help with things, she calls herself a big girl - even though she's already fourteen-, she knew that she needed her sister Elena for some of them, an example could be cooking, and the help for baking was need...

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Melissa was someone who never asked for help with things, she calls herself a big girl - even though she's already fourteen-, she knew that she needed her sister Elena for some of them, an example could be cooking, and the help for baking was needed right now, Elena could see the kitchen counter filled with baking ingredients and bowls scattered around the kitchen table too.

"Who are you baking for Mel? Did you join the scout girls?" Elena asked chuckling while she grabbed a box of flour to make chocolate cookies. "And why do you have the hair curler with you?"

"Scout girls." Melissa mocked her sister's voice and groaned loudly. "No, you idiot, uncle Eric comes by tomorrow, did you forget about that?" Elena shook her head at her little sister, but she had forgotten about the arrival of her uncle, she didn't know what time he would come by and it also meant that she would probably put off all plans with the crew tomorrow. "I got this because I thought that doing my hair while the cookies were ready." The younger Herrea threw the hair curler on the couch and groaned as her eyes looked back at the kitchen filled with ingredients.

"You gotta be kidding me, Mel." Elena patted her sister's back and putting her hair up in a ponytail. "Where do you need my help with?" She asked looking down at the boxes and bowls.

Ernesto Herrera walked in through the back door and a toolbox in hand, his eyes squinted when he saw the mess his girls were doing in the kitchen."Elena, I thought you would be ready by now? Isn't Kelce coming to pick you up in an hour or so?" Elena cursed under her breath, today was the day she forgot many things apparently.

"Go, take a shower and I can deal this with dad." Melissa hit her sister with the spoon and pushed her away from the kitchen, Elena didn't say a word but ran to her bedroom.

She had showered in the morning, she didn't need another shower, maybe when she came back but who knew the time of her return, she pulled out from her closet the outfit she had already planned, the ripped jeans, black, and white striped tank top and her sneakers. Her hair was looking good with the high ponytail all she had to do was spray down her baby hairs, mascara, and lipstick were added on her face and she could see the faint freckles on her nose and cheeks beginning to appear from the sun.

"Do I look presentable?" Elena walked out of her room back to the kitchen asking her little sister, she passed the deodorant and perfume to smell good, the least she could do was to not meet Kelce stinking like sweat.

"You look like a Victoria Secret Model." Melissa chuckled at her sarcastic remark, she saw the annoyance on her sister's face and nodded her head. "You look nice."

"Great, I'll be outside waiting for Kelce because I am pretty sure that he's not the type to come knocking at the door." Elena was interrupted by the loud sounds of people shouting, both Herrera siblings went outside hoping it wasn't their father who had fallen or something like that.

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