iv. | the pogues

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"Girls! Wake up, rise and shine!" It was loud the voice of their father, Elena sat up immediately with widened eyes and rapid breathing, the door of her room flew open as her dad smiled at her "Morning sleepy head, get changed or something for bre...

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"Girls! Wake up, rise and shine!" It was loud the voice of their father, Elena sat up immediately with widened eyes and rapid breathing, the door of her room flew open as her dad smiled at her "Morning sleepy head, get changed or something for breakfast." he walked away leaving a confused Elena looking at the entrance of her room.

"JJ" she said and looked back to her bed noticing the empty space, he must've left early morning or maybe he left when she had fallen asleep. The images of last night came back to her mind as she slowly gained consciousness, looking back to her window she saw how calm the back porch of his house was, the box of tools that he knocked down last night wasn't in there anymore.

She stared outside for a few more moments, she hoped to see JJ at any moment, ask him how he was or anything really, just that she wanted to see he was alive and well.

"What are you doing stalker?" the voice of her sister has shaken her making her jump and shook her head. "You should leave our neighbor alone Lena, don't want to scare him away or something." Elena hated when they called her Lena, it drive her insane and she didn't know why, she just kept hearing her younger sibling screaming at the top of her lungs LENA, WAKE UP.

Breakfast was loud and messy, both of her parents talked about possibly reorganization of their house to bring equipment for Ernesto to keep track of his therapies, Melissa on the other hand kept on singing and dancing in the kitchen at the top of her lungs lyrics from 2014.

Elena just needed a moment of silence, miraculously she was able to hear the door being knocked and it seemed like no one else cared about this since no one stood up or moved to open the door.

The face of John B appeared on the small window the door had, Elena was happy someone had come but she wasn't too thankful about the whole situation that was playing on her background.

"Hey John B" she greeted the male with a smile as the door was opened but kept it a bit close hoping it wasn't showing the images of her family.

"Hey El, everything okay?" he questioned as he stood with his hands on his pockets

"Yeah, they are just being themselves, ignore them." She chuckled and waved her family off and brought her attention back to him "What's up?" she questioned him with a pressed lip smile

"We are planning on catching some waves, you can join us with your sunbathing if you want to." John B had invited her again and this time Elena didn't even hesitate, she nodded her head and told him to wait a minute on his van.

Elena ran towards her room, shouted some goodbyes to her parents who just screamed back at her to where she was going, she has left her home with a bag where she had her cellphone and sunscreen, she had changed into her bathing suit and placed a tank top and short on top of it.

The back door of John B's van was wide open and was immediately greeted by Pope who helped her join them in the car and Kie who sat on the floor of the vehicle. JJ sat on the co-pilot seat, as for John B, well he was driving.

"Morning guys." Elena smiled and sat down besides Kie, the weather in Outer Banks started getting a bit hotter by the day as the summer time came closer to them.

"Any news from your daddy-o John B?" JJ asked and took a sip from the beer bottle he had on his hand.

"No, not any news yet, he's still missing." John B said and drive away from the houses towards the street, making the beach their destination.

"Don't worry about it John B, he will be back, you know, I can feel it." Kie reassured her friend and placed her hand on his arm giving him a small grip.

Pope noticed the confusion on Elena's face, he tapped in her knees trying to get her attention from her.

"John B's dad had been MIA for the last 6 months, apparently police are useless and can't find him, but we know he's out there." Pope explained to the female sat in front of him who just looked at him and then back at John B, whose attention was at the road and ignoring everyone else.

Elena had texted her mother where she was going and that she would be back soon, that she just couldn't handle the noise back home. There was no other answer from her mother besides an okay, which she knew it meant trouble.

Reaching the beach, Elena felt the excitement flow throughout her body, she had finally made some friends and she was able to do something fun with them, even though she wasn't really going to be with them in the ocean, surfing.

They all ran towards the sand, each with their boards they had taken out off the vans trunk, Elena sat on the sand just feet away from were they wanted to be. She had taken off her tank top and short leaving herself in a one piece red bathing suit. Kie who had ran besides her, did the same, she left her clothing besides Elena, she had worn a beautiful two piece set with flower details. It looked like something Elena would love to wear but only if she had the body of Kie.

Elena wasn't thin like Kie, she was curvy, and had body rolls, she liked her body but if she could, she wished to be thinner. She could get insecure real fast at the sight of her body, and she did, immediately placing again her tank top over her.

"What happened? Weren't you going to sunbathe or something El?" The voice of Pope caught her attention as he got himself ready to hit the waves.

"Um, I kinda changed my mind about it, I might join you guys on the water." She assured him with a forced smile, Pope was unsure about it, but who was he to change her mind. He just met her, he thought if he forced her, he would get on her bad side and Pope wasn't much of a forcing to do something on people, person.

Elena sat on the sand for a while, seeing her new friend crashing on waves, standing up from their boards and having the fun of their lives. She noticed how from all of them JJ could keep up the most with the waves.

John B returned to sand to get some refreshment and saw the Elena still sitting in the sand, she had finally taken off her tank top and she just enjoying the view.

"Wanna swim for a bit El?" He asked her, he knew she didn't surf but maybe letting her be on his board would make her feel more welcomed.

Elena stood up nodding her head "But how am I gonna keep up with you guys? You are probably going to keep on surfing or something." It was just like she had read John B's mind

"Don't worry about it, I'll let you sit on my board with me, we are gonna cool down for now and stay away from some waves." John B explained to the brunette who seemed to hesitate at the offer for a moment "Come on El, you are one of us now, you are a Pogue!" The last words he had screamed them out at the top of his lungs, getting responses from his friends at sea with screams and claps.

Elena had just met them, but from this moment she knew it, she somehow felt it, she belonged to this group, she belonged on this friendship. She was a Pogue to them, she was a Pogue now.

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