xxviii. | the truth unfolds

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Blinking a few times Elena recognized where she was, lying in bed in the guest room at John B's, she then quickly remembered the events of last night, she sighed at herself for letting the memories invade her mind again, she did not want this to h...

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Blinking a few times Elena recognized where she was, lying in bed in the guest room at John B's, she then quickly remembered the events of last night, she sighed at herself for letting the memories invade her mind again, she did not want this to happen for the rest of the day, but, Elena knew she had to fake her happiness unless she wanted to be interviewed by everyone.

"Shit." Elena cursed a few more times before she lunged out of bed, she forgot her Uncle was coming today and visit the family, visit her mother. "Where's my bag?" Scratching the back of her neck, her brown eyes searching the floor, her surroundings, everything in hopes she could find her bag.

"Morning Princess." JJ leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest wearing a smile on his lips. "Had a good night's sleep?" Elena nodded her head at him but didn't turn to focus on the blond. "Everything okay?"

"Can't find my bag, I gotta go home JJ, can you drop me?" Looking up, Elena could see his face, she saw the joy he was showing just by her presence. "Did John B arrive already?"

"He hasn't arrived yet, he's probably running a little late, I can drop you in a moment, you should come outside first." JJ walked back out, Elena didn't know what to do, she didn't know if her uncle had already arrived and was waiting for her or if her father wanted her to join them and pick him up at the airport.

"El." Kie walked into the room, the charming joy on her face. "How are you?" Elena could hear a hint of worry from how the question was asked, a bit of terror started to build inside of her.

"I am doing great, I'm just looking for."

"This?" JJ walked back in, the bag in his hands. "Kie, can you leave us alone for a moment please." Kiara looked at them for a moment, a smirk appeared on her face that Elena shook her head at her but Kie just waved goodbye.

Elena sighed and focused on JJ "What's up?" She asked leaning back against a wall.

"What the hell did Kelce do to you?" JJ walked towards her, stopping when he was just a few inches away.

"What are you talking about?" Elena could feel how her heart started picking up its pace. "Nothing, we just ate and left."

"Elena, tell me the truth please, if he hurt I got to know." Elena looked away from JJ's gaze, her eyes looked down at her shoes. "I'm gonna beat that asshole." JJ was ready to walk out, Elena grabbed his arm and pulled him back, this wasn't what she wanted, she understood why he wanted to do it but she didn't want any more problems.

"JJ, he's going to leave me alone, don't worry, I am going to be okay." Elena's face softened, she walked close to him and wrapped her arms around his body. "Are you feeling better?" The question had been related to the previous day and the huge fight that she encountered from the Maybank's household.

JJ Maybank scoffed jokingly "Of course, I am better than ever I mean, I bought a hot tub." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders making her stay by his side.

EVERYTHING I WANTED | JJ MAYBANK ✓Where stories live. Discover now