xix. | mistakes are made

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Elena was grateful Kie had invited her to the movies, but it wasn't just any ordinary cinema, it was an outside cinema at Figure Eight, they had planned on a huge projector, chairs, and blankets in the grass, the outdoor cinema was just like it ca...

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Elena was grateful Kie had invited her to the movies, but it wasn't just any ordinary cinema, it was an outside cinema at Figure Eight, they had planned on a huge projector, chairs, and blankets in the grass, the outdoor cinema was just like it came out of a movie scene. Popcorn and sodas were going to be served and Elena had to get money if she wanted to eat something while they watch the movie. Her father had dropped her off at Kie's place and there was still time for them to hang out. From what she knew JJ and Pope would be joining them soon, John B was nowhere to be found but from what she had heard, the last person to have seen him was Sarah Cameron.

Kie had waited for her at the entrance of her house, her curly brown hair was let down and she just wore a plain shirt and shorts, a smile on her face at the view of her friend who just arrived. Hugging her tightly, both girls waited for their friends to arrive, she placed everything inside her car just to keep time going. JJ arrived with Pope sitting on the back of his motorbike.

"Hey, gorgeous girls." Pope greeted them both kissing their cheeks. JJ took his helmet off and hugged both of them. Exchanging greeting the four of them hopped into Kie's car and made their way to the outdoor cinema at a Kooks house. The backyard was filled with people, but mostly Kooks or tourists, Elena couldn't find a Pogue in the crowd.

"Back to OBX life you know, aren't you glad I made you come?" Kiara asked the boys, the four of them were making their way to a seating area, Elena pulled out her blanket and pillow from her bag she had prepared back home, she was indeed glad about the invitation, a distraction was needed.

"Ecstatic." Pope answered, his sarcastic tone made Herrera chuckle.

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest." JJ answered too, the complaints made it clear that they were uncomfortable.

"JJ," Elena called out for him as she sat down "I've been on your couch before, not comfortable at all." Kie chuckled and nodded her head agreeing with the brunette.

"Wanna help me get some drinks?" Kiara looked down at Elena "Wait, you look comfortable, nevermind."

"No, I'll come with, you will need the extra help with the cups." Elena stood up and accompanied her to the drinking area.

"Hey, can I get two Pepsis and two lemonades, please? Kiara made the order, taking the dollars out of her back pocket. "This is nice right? Good for us?" Kiara turned to look at the other girl, she was unsure about this idea, bringing Pogues into the Kook land, but they have been here before.

"Yeah, it is nice Kie, don't worry, I mean it's the movies, what could happen?" Elena asked, moving strands of her wavy hair behind her ears.

"Hey Kie," a guy called out, both of the girls turned to look at Rafe who was making his way to them "Hey, what's up? How are you?" Kiara was trying to ignore him and Elena was being ignored by him, but she wasn't taking this personally in any way, her relationship with him was almost non-existing.

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