viii. | three months later

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"This looks so awful, like why would someone do this?" Kie said as she grabbed the towels and threw them back on the counter

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"This looks so awful, like why would someone do this?" Kie said as she grabbed the towels and threw them back on the counter. The pogues decided that this day would be spending it on a construction, a new house on Figure Eight, more money being thrown around on Outer Banks instead of being spent of the Cut, with the people who need it.

"I mean, we should just take the towels, there will be no towel warmers if there are no towels." Elena said and grabbed one of them, Kie turned around and looked at her with such a dead gaze "I was joking, terrible joke, I know." she left it back on top of the other towels and walked outside.

John B managed to reach the rooftop of the house balance himself, JJ sat on the construction area beside him with a beer on his hand.

"I'll shoot you on the way down" Pope said as he held the electric drill on his hand and motioned it as it was a gun.

"You're gonna shoot me?" John B answered and made a pew sound

"Really John B?" Elena said and looked up squinting her eyes by the rays on sunlight

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kie walked out of the house and stood next to her friend

"Of course they are, why wouldn't they?" JJ said as his legs dangle from the edge of where he sat "I can't have cold towels."

"This used to be a turtle habitat but who cares about turtles, I guess." Kiara crosses her arms as her eyes looked up at John B as well "Can you please not kill yourself."

"Pope, leave the drill back in its place." Elena said looking at her friend who just left it on the table and placed both hands up on defeat.

"Don't spill that beer," JJ took the last sips of the bottle and looked at John B "I'm not giving you another one." And just like it was practiced, the beer John B had on his hand fell straight towards the floor.

Elena just chuckled at it and shook her head "Fantastic John B, just fantastic."

"Of course you did, right when I told you." JJ added to his comment and squeezed the empty can.

"That was smooth." Kie looked at Elena who nodded in agreement and heard the groans from John B

"A-plus." Pope said giving him a thumbs up and looked at the edge of the place, "Hey uh, security's here, let's wrap it up."

Elena and Kiara looked behind at Pope who just nodded his head to assure them both he wasn't lying. Elena looked at Kiara with a grin, it meant the adventure of escaping had just begun.

"Boys are early today." JJ said looking up at John B before standing up from his seating.

"Let's go boys." Kiara said looking at them all grabbing Elena's hand since they knew they had to either jog or run inside the home, both waiting for the boys to hop off the roof.

"Gary, is that you?" JJ said and finally landed on the ground "Gary, good to see you, man!"

"You're asking for it." Kiara said to JJ before the group started running down the stairs, JJ slipping on the last steps making his friends laugh.

Elena ran behind Kiara, following through another area, hearing the screams of the officers ordering them to stop.

"This way, this way." Elena said and pulled Kiara towards another area avoiding an officer that was headed their way, John B ran behind them and reached their van when they turned the corner of the house, the vehicle was intact right in front.

"Hop on, go, go." He screamed opening the driver door and starting the engine "The boys must be here." He said turning back for a moment seeing both girls on top of the car and the back floor wide open.

John B drive a bit further reaching the other point of the house, hitting the claxon and indicating the rest where they were, Pope and JJ made their run towards the car and jumped. JJ sat beside Elena laughing his ass off as Gary ran behind the car shouting at them.

"Check Out Gary running for a raise" Pope said pointing at him making their friend look back.

"Come on Gary!" JJ screamed and leaned out his body from the car, grabbing the door handle from the inside to not fall out. "Wait, slow down, slow down."

"You're gonna give him a heart attack" Kie looked at John B and then at Elena hoping someone would be at her side even if she said it a bit sarcastically.

"Oh John B, don't let JJ bully him." Elena said between chuckles and looked at the blonde

"You're so close! You can do it," JJ said to Gary as he kept running, seemingly like he was going to catch them "There you go." JJ threw him a beer can and groaned as the officer just failed to catch it. "They don't pay you enough, bro."

"JJ, stop. Stop." Kie pulled his arm inside catching his attention, Pope, John B, and Elena were just laughing at the situation.

Elena pulled JJ from the back of his shirt and sat him down. "Oh come on, that sort of initiative is just begging to be punished." JJ added as it was an explanation of his action.

"Oh really? and your initiative? How would that be punished?" Elena jokingly asked making JJ grin mischievously "Oh you, ass." she said and pulled his cap off.

"So where to now?" Pope asked John B, his head laid back and arms opened resting on the windows.

"There's a kegger going on tonight, we are definitely going to that." John B smiled and looked on the rearview, seeing his friends exclaim in excitement.

"Who's throwing the party?" Kiara asked as she placed the sunglasses on her to cover the rays of sunlight that came from the windows.

"Apparently a tourist, he only invited his friends, but, you know us Pogues, we hear everything, also, they are throwing the party on our side of the island." John B explained, turning the volume of the radio up.

The music filled the car as they drove through the Figure Eight, the beers on the cooler had became invisible now, JJ, Pope, Kiara, and Elena all drank from the alcohol.

The beach was filled by people, kook, pogues and tourist. You can definitely see who belong in what group, mostly by their clothing and the way they were separated.

Kiara and Elena hopped off the Van and made their way to the party, waving hello to people they knew and some tourist who just made their way towards them in hopes of flirting or get them a drink. John B, JJ and Pope on the other hand spent the night picking up girls and getting drunk.

"May I get you a drink?" a masculine voice said behind Elena who sat by the bonfire with Kiara and others.

A guy with a pink button up shirt smiled at her, his skin was dark just like his eyes, a glowing smile that meant trouble. Elena could see this guy was a Kook, a kook who probably wanted something else beside a drink with Elena.

"You may," she grinned and was handed a red cup, Elena saw it and had a red light on her mind. Never accept a drink by someone without seeing them pour it. "What's your name?" she questioned and held the drink on her hand, waiting for an opportunity to "accidentally" drop it to the sand.

"My name is Kelce, what's your name, beautiful?" he asked and chugged on his drink, she then threw it on the side and imitated the movement, as if she had finished the drink.

"Elena, my name is Elena." she stretched her hand out for a greeting

"Nice to know you, Elena." Kelce smiles taking her hand and kissing her knuckles.

Whatever Kelce plan was, Elena had to made sure it wasn't going to happen.

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