xi. | meth labs

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"This is a total mess, we won't be able to go through this chaos

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"This is a total mess, we won't be able to go through this chaos." Elena said her eyes looking around and seeing the group of people talking, shouting, and arguing with the only coast guard behind the counter. She went back outside and joined Kiara and Pope who waited for John B and JJ to return from talking to the guard.

"Did you know John B surfed the surge?" Kie asked Pope who hadn't talked all the way back to land since John B mentioned it. "Pope?"

"I surfed the surge with him." Pope admitted and his face was filled with embarrassment, to admit that he put himself in danger or didn't stop his friend from doing it.

Both girls with widened eyes and clenched jaws looked at Pope, Kiara had her hands on the hips and Elena with crossed arms, both had certain anger with disbelief.

"Really Pope? You know the whole situation that's going on with John B and you're part of it?" Elena said with a worried tone, her gaze was set on him strongly as if she was trying to intimidate him, which was sort of working on her friend.

It didn't take long for John B and JJ to return, clearly there was no answer given by the guard when Elena noticed the motel key still on John B's hand.

"Well, that went well." Pope looked at John B placing his hands on his pockets and looked at the group afterward. "So what's the plan?" He asked since the guard had no intention of helping the crew, it seemed like they had to do it all by themselves now.

"I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns the boat." John B showed the motel key, Pope immediately denied the idea.

"We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone." Pope stated proving a point to them.

"I agree with Pope in this one, what if the person who owned the boat is dangerous, we can't just walk into the room." Melissa finally spoke out as she appeared behind Pope.

"Oh you're not coming with us, you are going back home, think you can drop her off John B?" Elena asked glancing towards him who nodded his head. "And no but's, you are staying home, if it is dangerous, I am not putting you in any type of harm."

"I'm in." JJ grinned taking the key and throwing it towards Kie who smiled and told Pope she would be the lookout.

Elena followed Kie with a smile and walked away, she could hear the groaning coming from her younger sister, but she was already used to hear her complain when things didn't go her way.

John B passed by the Herreras and dropped off the youngest, they had all waved her goodbye and promised her that they would make it up to her. Returning to the lake and to their destination, the motel where the key belong to looked awful.

"And I thought the Chateau looked bad." JJ whistled and looked at the place.

"This place looks like a shitshow" Pope babbled as his face showed a shocked expression.

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