xxxii. epilogue

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Elena hated black dresses, she hated them since she knew the meaning of them

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Elena hated black dresses, she hated them since she knew the meaning of them. Her mother had been buried today, they had a ceremony for her, it was beautiful, she saw some family members she hadn't seen in a long time, they had flown here and some had decided to stay. Elena loved that her family was here, she adored it but, she wanted to be alone right now, she didn't care that everyone was in her living room eating and sharing memories of her mother.

Elena kept her eyes on the bed, the only image in her head that kept on running, her mother happily playing cards with Melissa, the sketch Elena was making for her resting beside her on the bed. She remembers pulling her sister out of the room and hugging her tight as both fell on their knees, tears coming out just like their screams. The next thing she knew was sitting in her bedroom, lost, she was looking down on the floor, her eyes were swollen due to the tears, her nose was red just like her lips, she was lost, she didn't even sleep that day.

JJ took steps inside her room, and when he finally stood face to face, his arms pulled her to him, he wrapped his arms around her and Elena crumbled down again, she let out her tears and whimpers, those that didn't leave during the moment the casket was buried deep on the ground.

"She's gone JJ, my mom is really gone." JJ's hands caressed the back of her hair, he hummed a lullaby as he tried his best to calm Elena just a little bit. "John B is gone, Sarah's gone, everyone is gone." She cried out deeply, pushing herself away from JJ, the brunette sat down on her mattress, her fingers twirling her clothes.

"I know princess, but they'll be found, don't you worry, they're gonna come back and they are going to be safe." JJ sat down beside her taking her hand in his. "Your mother is in a better place, away from the suffering she had gone through, she's looking after you." He continued with the soft hushing, and pulled her into his arms again.

JJ, Kiara, and Pope were there with her, keeping Elena and Melissa company. They looked after the siblings all day, even their parents came in support of the Herrera's, they helped Ernesto set everything in his house as he greeted his family, it was this small gesture too much to thank.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Kiara's voice was heard inside of Elena's room, the brunette walked over and sat beside her friend. "Do you need something Elena? Water? Food?" Elena shook her head, cleaning her cheeks and eyes from her tears, she breathed in, calming herself.

"I think I should head out, I need some fresh air you know, clear my mind or something like that." Elena chuckled as she stood up from the bed. She straightened her posture, raised her head high and faked her smile, Elena walked out of her room and her home, to look up at the sky, and beautiful stars, the air was fresh, it even felt so relaxing.

"Hey? Do you want to talk?" JJ had followed her, he didn't know what she was gonna end up doing, he felt as looking out for her at this moment was very important. "Or not talk? But want to do something?" His hands fidget into the pockets of his pant suit, JJ had found the funeral suit in his closet, he didn't know why he had it or why would he use it, but, he never imagined that this would be the first time.

"All I wanted this year, became everything I hate now, I lost my mom. I lost my friends, I felt like a part of me is gone." Elena scratched the back of her head a few times. "I mean, I did make beautiful memories here too JJ, but, I never imagined that this would turn around." She turned to look at him, her eyes looking almost like glass from her crying.

"I get it princess, things sometimes never go as planned, but if we know how to move on from them, I think that will help us grow." JJ knew how to give a good moment of wisdom, and right now, it was useful. "You still got me Elena, and I don't plan on leaving you."

With that being said, the brunette hugged JJ, this time it wasn't to cry on his arms or anything sad, for her she was thanking him, she couldn't ask for someone better to be by her side, her arms wrapped around his waist as she rested her right cheek on his chest.

"JJ, you honestly don't know how much you mean to me, please, don't you forget me or leave me, you truly made me feel safe, you got me living this messed up adventure but gosh, it was fun."

"I could never leave you or even forget you Elena, just like I mean to you, you mean to me, you, and even your family were the only people who checked up on me, you also gave me a home, sometimes food as well, but you Elena," JJ grabbed her by her cheeks, looking down at her. "you brought me a sort of happiness I haven't felt before, I did try to shut down what my feelings were for you, I didn't want to ruin us, ruin what we have, but I am willing to risk it, if you want to as well." Elena was surprised, she wasn't expecting for JJ to open like this, and say to her what she has been wanting to hear.

"Funny you say that, because my feelings towards you are the same, I had to shut them down too, even though I have slowly opened them, I mean I kissed you a few days ago, I never knew if your feelings were truly real but now, I want to risk it, because I know we can make it." Elena answered him, her smile slowly appearing in her face.

"I'll be the guy with everything you want, anything you need, you just tell me princess."

"JJ, you already are everything I wanted, I can't ask for more." Elena caressed his cheek, pulling him close to her, the soft touch of their lips was followed by their embrace, pulling each other's bodies closer. Their moment apart they just smiled at each other, knowing that their life as friends was going to change, and hopefully for the best.

Elena Herrera didn't imagine that her life would be like this when she moved into the Outer Banks, yeah, there were things she would love to change, but her friends wouldn't be one of them, the crazy, dangerous — stupid, adventure neither, because even though things happened back home, she created memories she wouldn't want to change for the world. And JJ, was one of them, his blue eyes, sweet caring voice and touch, how sweet he was to her, how he made her laugh h til she couldn't breath, those things she couldn't change, she couldn't imagine someone else doing this. It was JJ who made her feel better, feel safe.

author's note

THE END! We have concluded the FIRST book! Yes I am planning a sequel, I had planned a sequel before season two was even confirmed, lol, and somehow the plot I had written for it, it matches with the plot of obx2, sort of, so keep your eyes opened when I publish the second book, get ready for more Jelena, the Herrera's and every single mess this group of pogues get into.

I loved writing this book, even though it took me two? years to finish it, I just hope I don't take more with the sequel.

Thank you for reading this, I hoped you enjoyed it and love them as much as I did. Until the next one.
Woogity woogity! Pogue Annie, out!

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