xxii. | hospital visits

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The hospital was lonely, it seemed like it had been abandoned or something, the waiting room was clear and no human had made an entrance

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The hospital was lonely, it seemed like it had been abandoned or something, the waiting room was clear and no human had made an entrance. Elena waited for the moment a group of paramedics started rushing in and chaos began, just like the ones she saw on TV shows, but it never occurred, it was quiet.

"Miss Herrera, you can pass now." A nurse called out for the teenager, she had told her that they were taking some test from her mother and needed to be alone, so she waited until now. Elena thanked the nurse and walked through the hospital corridor, making her way to the room where her mother laid on the bed and her skin looked pale.

"Hi, my princesa." Veronica Herrera smiled at the sight of her older daughter in the room, she let out a few coughs but it wasn't something for Elena to worry about.

"Hi, mom." Elena smiled taking a chair and set it beside her "How are you feeling today?" She asked, her hand grabbing a hold of hers. Veronica sighed but didn't say a word to her daughter, for Elena that meant, she was feeling the same, nothing different. "So, I went to Midsummer yesterday, the event in Figure Eight? Kie invited me."

"Oh that is wonderful, tell me, did you have fun?" Veronica's voice got higher with excitement and her eyes looked down at her.

"I did have fun, I talked with Adrien, remember the guy I told you about, I had met him in Cameron's place, he's really nice, we even slowed dance, he seems really nice." Elena talked about the nice part of the night, she knew her mother didn't need to know the aftermath and how she had run away from the event and how John B got into an accident, her mother didn't need that.

"But, what about Kelce? He didn't turn up to be a nice guy?" A nice guy was now the short title for him after last night, what Elena had overheard in the guy's bathroom made her anger appear, but she shook that thought out of her mind.

"Well, I still have the date on wait but I don't know, he doesn't seem like the guy I could have in my life now mom." Elena leaned back on her chair and pulled her right leg to her, her mind went back to JJ, and a smile formed on her lips, she liked JJ but her mother, wouldn't accept this, she didn't like JJ a bit, somehow she always managed to see the worst in him, and even if Elena tried to give him the good parts, Veronica would throw a weakness or a bad habit the boy had.

"Baby, I know you think I don't like him," It seemed as if Veronica was reading her mind, she knew that him, meant JJ, she just knew it "I do like him, but I want what is better for you and that boy, isn't."

"Mom, JJ, he makes me happy and insane too, sometimes I just want to slap his face, but he just makes me laugh a lot, I know you have your reasons why not to like him, but if you give him a chance maybe, he could surprise you." Elena looked at her, leaning forward to the bed and grabbing her mother's hand again.

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