x. | agatha, you crazy lady. part two

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"Oh please, you know you can't just buy another motorbike with the money you earn JJ," Melissa said chuckling at the boy "Besides, why do you want another motorbike? You have enough with one

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"Oh please, you know you can't just buy another motorbike with the money you earn JJ," Melissa said chuckling at the boy "Besides, why do you want another motorbike? You have enough with one."

"You are right, I need more money, what if I become a smuggler? I am great at taking stuff." JJ said looking at his friends who all just shook their head "I mean I know it sounds crazy but hear me out, I take the HMS Pogue, do my work,"

"Let me stop you there, the Pogue doesn't look like a smuggler boat, so it wouldn't work out for you, sorry JJ." John B said shrugging making Elena laugh at his comment.

"I mean look around John B, that one looks like a smuggler boat." His eyes set on a very old looking boat as he said.

Elena just shook her head and playfully pushed Melissa who had been laying on the floor of the boat taking the sunlight in her skin and probably had fallen asleep.

"Morning Miss Amy," John B waved hello to a young female who was cleaning up some of the mess Agatha left behind "You guys get through if?" Amy just answered back with a simple response making John B smile.

"She totally looked at me" JJ said hitting John B on his arm as a cheeky smirk was plastered on his face.

Elena rolled her eyes and continued to look at the rest of the places where Agatha did her serious damage, she heard the whistle of John B and how he called the hurricane a crazy lady.

"I mean, this could be worse right?" She asked looking at the boys who nodded their heads.

"We'll be cleaning this all summer."

"Yeah that's my nightmare." Both guys kept on arguing about it as they reached the Heyward's place and saw Pope outside cleaning the deck.

"Oh look who we have here."  John B said and placed his hands around his mouth "We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory."

"Hey Pope" Melissa called out, sitting up from the floor and waving at him happily.

"I can't, my pop's got me on lockdown." Pope responded and waved the youngest Herrera hello.

"Come on man," JJ mimicked a static "Your dad's a pussy, over." Elena hit JJ on his leg making him look at her and mouth out What.

"Oh I heard that you little bastard." Heyward appeared behind his son angrily looking at the blonde.

"We need your son." John B said leaning in closer to the deck.

"Please Mr. Heyward, lend your son for the evening." Elena said placing her hands together as she was begging at him.

"Yeah and island rules, day after a hurricane it's a free day." Elena tolled her eyes and chuckled by the now comment of JJ.

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward asked as his son looked at him and back at his friend and then back at him.

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