xxvi. | dead calm

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Elena woke up excited, she felt giggly and filled with happy emotions and vibes

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Elena woke up excited, she felt giggly and filled with happy emotions and vibes. Who wouldn't wake up like this after the previous night and finding gold?

"Morning Papi." Elena hugged her father who was seating down having breakfast. "How did you sleep?" Ernesto Herrera looked back at his daughter and smiled in her direction.

"I slept amazing, I have been amazing." Elena hugged him again for a moment. "Is everything okay? I love hugs, but what am I missing here?"

"Oh, nothing, just I have a feeling our lives are gonna change." Elena said as she walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and make herself breakfast. "Where's Melissa? Her room is empty." She didn't even hear her sister leave the room and usually, Melissa was a very loud person, and she saw her last night when she came home.

"She left an hour ago, Wheezie invited her over. You two girls are having so much fun with your new friends, that's very nice, I am happy for you two girls." Elena smiled to herself when she heard her father's words. "I have a job interview next week, your uncle Aaron is coming to visit us, especially mom." Uncle Aaron is Veronica's adoptive brother, Elena last heard about him about three years ago and that was all, but she missed him, he was always there for the Herrera's and he always managed to make the girls laugh.

"Well, it will be nice to have another familiar face around the house, right?" Elena asked as she kept on doing her stuff. "Dad?" She called for him "You don't miss us a lot whenever we are gone? I mean whenever Mel and I leave? I know you do miss us, it's a stupid question but I am just wondering?"

"Let me stop you right there Elena," Ernesto stood up and walked over to his daughter "It's not a stupid question, of course, I miss you two girls but I prefer if you two had fun, made friends, instead of worrying about me and your mom, we are going to be okay, and if I ever need something from my princesas, I'll let you know." Elena smiled, feeling her father's lips pressing over her hair.

"So it's not much to ask if I can go out today? Also, I might have a date tonight, with Kelce." Elena squinted her eyes, hoping her father would say no to the date.

"Of course! Like I said, go and have fun, you take care, and is Kelce picking you up? I gotta give him the father talk." Elena laughed at his comment and stopped when she noticed her father didn't tag along.

"Wait, you're being actually serious about it?" Ernesto Herrera nodded his head in response "Dad you don't have to, Kelce is just a guy who's hanging out with me, I don't like him and I don't see him in any way other than an acquaintance."

"Yeah I guess you're right, I better have the famous talk with JJ Maybank right?"

"JJ? Why JJ?" Elena cleared her throat trying to keep her nerves out of herself, before her father could speak the door of their home opened. "Speak of the devil."

"Morning Mr. Herrera." JJ walked overstretching his hand at Ernesto "Morning El." Hugging her tightly the blonde looked at the father with a smile. "Is it okay to ask Elena for a few hours? She'll be home before sunset, as always."

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