xvi | get in the yard

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Elena got back to her home, she was careful about not being seen, laying in her bed Elena couldn't think of anything else other than the money they would have if they find it, she would use it to pay for her mother's chemo's, her father's therapie...

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Elena got back to her home, she was careful about not being seen, laying in her bed Elena couldn't think of anything else other than the money they would have if they find it, she would use it to pay for her mother's chemo's, her father's therapies and keep her family stronger, still, it was just a dream, a dream she would happily believe in, but right now she needed sleep, the night was just an emotional rollercoaster and she also wanted to talk to John B tomorrow, ask him how he was, they all heard the tape and what his father said, it was too personal, she felt like she was invading privacy.

"Lena" The sounds of her name woke up the teen, she groaned knowing whose voice it belonged from, Elena grabbed the pillow beside her and covered her face, avoiding the rays of light passing through and shine in her face."Wake up you ass, you have visitors." Melissa's voice was now heard inside her room, something soft was hit on her skin, Elena pushed the pillow off her face and looked at her feet, a small bag was there, when Melissa said visitors she knew she meant the Pogues, but then being early in her house was weird.

She opened the small bag and saw a little box inside of it and a note. Thank you for always being there for me. There was no name, no author that had bought this for her, she didn't recognize the letter, it was cursive, she hadn't seen any of her friends write in cursive before, she opened the small box, showing a little gold necklace with a half-moon on it, she smiled at it and immediately took it off its packaging, placing it around her neck. Elena let out a loud yawn and headed outside her room, putting her hair back into a ponytail, she had to try and look her best, less sleepy.

"Morning El," Kie smiled when she saw her coming out of the room, she was sitting on the dining area "Sorry to come here unannounced, John B wanted to go for a morning water drive, would you like to join?" Elena looked around, she saw her father sitting on the other end of the table, he nodded his head with a smile.

"I wasn't planning anything for us today my princesa, so you can go and have fun with your friends, you know the rules, so do you." His eyes now looked over at JJ, nodding his head and giving him thumbs up.

"Yes sir, have her before sunset, as always." JJ looked at Elena, his blue eyes looked down at the necklace, he looked down hiding his smirk before turning his attention back at his friends "So? We'll be outside waiting for you."

"Why don't you guys stay for breakfast, that's the least I can do while Elena gets ready, you know how she takes her time." He let out a chuckle, Ernesto liked when we had the opportunity to "embarrass" his daughter, Elena had gotten used to it, she didn't get mad at his comments, he knew when and what to joke about, he knew what to say. Pope agreed immediately and sat down in the dining area.

Elena laughed and headed back to her room, Kie just behind her, the girls grabbed clothing like the bathing suit, shorts, and a blouse. She placed everything inside her backpack and with Kie, they returned to the dining area, food was placed on the table, the boys were already eating and exchanging words with Ernesto.

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