Yoongi ♡ Sleep Confession [request]

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Requested by @888Ari888

Soft and speepy Yoonie edit brought to you by me 💕✨
Speaking of edits, I've noticed a few people use my edits as profile pictures or wallpapers on their profiles. I don't mind it, in fact I'm really flattered. I just make the edits to add something extra to an imagine, I didn't think people would use them. But I'm gonna start watermarking my edits from now on, just in case they get reposted outside Wattpad.

I knocked on Yoongi's apartment door, a heavy feeling in my chest and tears burning my eyes. To my surprise, he answered almost immediately, his face falling when he took in my appearance.
"Bad day?"
"Mhm." I sniffled.
"Come on." He stepped aside, beckoning me into his flat.
I shuffle inside, hearing him following not far behind me. Having done this a hundred times before, I flop down on the couch, Yoongi joining me. He reached over and grabbed a fluffy blanket he keeps on the couch, pulling it over the two of us as I snuggle into his side.
"You can tell me whenever you're ready." He whispered soothingly as his fingers stoked my hair.
"It's nothing, really. Things just haven't been going my way today, that's all."
"We all have days like that." He reassured me.
"I know. I'll get over it. I just wanted Yoongi cuddles to help me feel better."
He let out a breathy chuckle in response.
"Thanks you for always being here for me." I muttered, tightening my grip on his waist.
"Of course. I can't just let you be sad."
I smile softly as I close my eyes, enjoying the comfort Yoongi brought me.
"You want something to eat? Maybe a hot beverage? Music? A movie?"
"I'm okay." I hummed. "Thank you, though."
His hand had now moved from my hair to my back as he gently rubbed in small circles. It was enough to gradually lull me to sleep.

Yoongi's POV
Y/n had been a sleep for a little while. I could have just gotten up and left her to rest, but I never do that. I'm here for her, wether she's awake or asleep.
I watch as she breathes calmly, completely at peace. I see her eyes moving behind her lids as she dreams, her fingers softly curling, grabbing a fist full of the fluffy blanket I laid over us.
She began muttering incoherently in her sleep. I was able to pick out a few words, but her voice faded out again.
"Tell you... something" She said.
I furrowed my brows, looking down at her. She must be dreaming something important. I didn't think she would say anything else, so I stopped paying attention, resting my head back against the cushion on the couch. I could feel Y/n's arm wrap tighter around me as she nuzzled her face closer to my neck. My heart jumped in my chest, a chill running down my spine. I've always enjoyed when the two of us have our cuddle sessions; they make me feel warm inside. Plus, it gives me an excuse to be close to her. I began to relax a little, feeling myself start to drift off a bit when Y/n spoke up again.
"I like you."
My eyes snapped open, my head turning to look at her only to see that she was still asleep.
It's that dream again.
Sometimes when Y/n comes over we end up napping together and she often talks in her sleep. I've noticed this recurring dream where she's confessing to someone, but she wakes up shortly after and I can never figure out who it is. I waited for her to speak again, hoping maybe I would be able to hear a name, but she didn't speak again. Usually, she's muttering nonsense, so I never pay much attention, but this is something I need to figure out.
She stirs beside me, slowly lifting her head from my chest. She glanced sleepily at me, a drunken-looking grin on her face.
"Feel better after your little nap?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Mhm." She nodded. "I'm kinda hungry now."
"Let's order something, or I could make you something. Whatever you want."
"Hm. Maybe just a pizza." She nodded.
"Alright. I'll call in an order."

I placed an order for delivery and went ahead and got the money for it.

"Thank you, Yoongi." Y/n leaned over, hugging me.
"You're welcome, honey."
She stiffened and so did I.
"Um— I'm s-sor-"
"It's fine." Y/n shook her head, a faint blush decorating her cheeks.
I let out a quiet, awkward chuckle, my ears getting hot.
How embarrassing.

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