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AAAAAA you guys I'm so excited to finally announce this! I've been itching to spill the beans about this and it's taken everything in me to keep it a secret.
I now have a Tumblr! 🎉

I received a question about this in my Q&A chapters in both this book and ATEEZ Imagines, both from different people, which is crazy because I haven't said a word about this. I haven't even hinted about it, and it's been in the works for years. I've been writing stuff behind the scenes and I was planning on opening the account very soon, so the fact that I received questions about it close to when I planned on dropping the news is kinda crazy. The timing is uncanny haha

Back in 2021 I was getting vague imagine ideas for other groups that weren't BTS or ATEEZ and I wondered where I could post those imagines if I wrote them.
I didn't want to make a book dedicated to just one group because I wouldn't have ideas for every member. I also didn't want to make a multi group imagine book because those don't seem to do very well. That left me with Instagram as an option, but my imagines are usually fairly long and some imagines would take like 10 or more posts on Instagram to complete the whole story.
However, there's good ole Tumblr. I'm not new to the app, I've had an account since 2013, however this will be my first imagines account on the platform. Honestly it's the perfect place for me to share these imagines. I enjoy creating book covers and on Tumblr I have the option to make a cover banner to go with the imagines. I also like that I can put a full imagine in one post (like here on Wattpad) as opposed to multiple posts on Instagram where you only get bits of the story. I can also post about whichever groups/idols I want in whatever order and it doesn't have to be confined to one book about a single group. It's also the perfect place for me to post ideas that I have that I don't think I could write full imagines about because sometimes I get these little scenarios in my head and I really want to write them but I know I can't write a full imagine and don't want to waste a chapter on what would basically be a drabble, so Tumblr is perfect for that!

The only downside is that you can't comment on certain paragraphs like you can here. It's also not very common that people leave comments or add feedback in reblogs on Tumblr and I kinda thrive off people's reactions to my work, so that's a little bit of a bummer. But it's one that I'm willing to deal with.

There will not be regular updates on the Tumblr account. I'll just be posting when I have ideas. I'll also be reposting some of my favorite imagines from my BTS and ATEEZ books along with new stuff.
Just as it is here, my blog is rated 14+
That means I don't want anyone under the age of 14 reading my stuff, interacting with my stuff, or interacting with me. Again, I'm not comfortable with kids interacting with me so please respect my wishes.

The first imagine has been posted! It's a Chan and Hyunjin x reader vampire AU that's based on the Red Lights MV and has been in the works since September 2021. So if you're interested in reading it and maybe supporting my blog I would really appreciate it! (14+ ONLY PLEASE) My username is lilacmingi

I'm looking forward to starting this new journey with you guys!

- Lila 🖤💜

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