Hoseok ♡ Arson

606 27 17

Word count: 3,848

The light sound of a knife chopping through vegetables filled the kitchen as Hoseok worked to chop up some green onion for the ramen he was making the both of you for dinner that night, which he insisted on doing it all by himself.
You were in the early stages of your relationship and had been dating for about three months now. Hoseok was absolutely enamored with you and you felt the same about him. His looks were easy to fall for, his personality even easier. His bright and cheery disposition pulled you in, as did his never-ending giggles. He found many things funny and when he laughed it filled you with immense joy. One thing you noticed in the short amount of time you had been dating was the way he would clap his hands together when in a fit of laughter. Again, one of the many things you liked about him.

You had been sitting in the living room listening to the sounds of Hoseok bustling about the kitchen, wondering if you needed to check on him, not because you thought he was doing a bad job, but because you wanted to know how things were coming along.
Pushing yourself up off the couch, you shuffled to the kitchen and stood in the doorway. It seemed Hoseok hadn't noticed your presence yet, so you stood and watched him chop onions, using the blade of the knife to slide them aside and chop the remainder of them.
After all the green onions were chopped and ready, his actions halted and you could see his grip on the handle tighten, his knuckles turning white at how strong his hold was.

Hoseok's eyes were glazed over and distant, there was a darkness in his brown irises as he turned the knife and examined the blade, watching it glint under the florescent kitchen lights.
He blinked, snapping back to reality and turning to you with raised brows of expectation to show you he was listening.
"Just came to check on you and see how things were going."
"Oh." He smiled. "It shouldn't be long."
He picked up the cutting board and slid the green onions into the boiling ramen with the knife blade, a resounding shing noise filling the small space.
"I just need to add the seasoning packet and let the noodles soften." He mentioned. "It shouldn't take more than ten minutes."
"Alright. I'll be in the living room."
His tone was chipper as usual, but you couldn't shake the image of him staring at that large knife. He didn't seem like himself at all.
With an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of your stomach, you pulled out your phone to text one of your closest friends.

It happened again

What was it this time?

He's in the kitchen cooking dinner and I caught him staring at the knife with this glazed look in his eyes. He was like twisting it and watching the light reflect off of it

He just didn't seem like himself

There's something up with him, Y/n
I'm telling you
This is like the fourth time something strange like this has happened, right?


Catching Hoseok doing something out of the ordinary was something that had occurred more than once. These... happenings began to occur one month into your relationship.

The first time, you two were at his place watching TV and you were in a particularly cuddly mood, so you scooted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. Nothing too overbearing since you hadn't been together for very long. Hoseok was quick to jerk away with a scowl on his face. His eyes lacked their usual sparkle and were practically burning holes into you.
Unsure of how to react, you muttered a "sorry" and put some space between the both of you.
No less than five minutes later, Hoseok was looking over at you with a small pout.
"Why are you so far away?" He asked.
"You scowled at me for resting my head on your shoulder."
His frown got deeper. "I'm sorry." He opened his arms, beckoning you over with an apologetic expression. "Let me make it up to you."
That first occurrence was easy to overlook. Maybe he just wasn't in a cuddly mood in that moment.

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