Namjoon ♡ #1 Fan [request]

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Requested by @kawa_h

Word count: 5,383

Namjoon sat in his RKive studio on the computer, watching one of your recent performances. He was working on a song, but he hit a bit of a road block deciding to take a break and what better way to do that than to watch YouTube videos?
You looked phenomenal in your stage outfit. The color complemented your skin tone and new hair color perfectly. You had recently changed your hair color for your new comeback and Namjoon thought it looked great. No matter what hairstyle or color you had, you always pulled it off, every single time.

Just then, the door to Namjoon's studio opened making him jump and scramble for the mouse to pause the video.
"Watching performance videos of your girlfriend again?" Yoongi's voice teased as Namjoon spun around to face the older member.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Yoongi smirked, taking a seat on the couch.
"I should have never given you the password to my studio. No, scratch that. I should never have told you about my crush on Y/n."
"No, you shouldn't have told Hoseok." He corrected. "He'll blab to one of the other guys."
"Don't say that. You'll make me second guess myself."
Yoongi let out a soft chuckle of amusement. "Seeing you like this is so funny. You're usually not one to pine over someone, yet here you are."
"I wouldn't call it pining."
"I would."
Namjoon shot Yoongi a pleading look, silently asking him to back off.
"Why don't you say something?" He continued. "Her company doesn't have any dating bans so I say go for it."
"I don't know her that well."
"There's an easy solution to that."
"How can I? Our schedules are so busy."
"You're making excuses."
Namjoon pressed his lips together. Yoongi was always able to see right through him.
"Alright. If I get the chance I'll try and talk to her."
"That's more like it."

Namjoon thought Yoongi was going to leave, but he nestled into the couch cushions instead, not making any effort to make himself scarce. This caused the leader to look at him incredulously.
"Do you mind?" He gestured to the paused video.
"Don't let me stop you." Yoongi held his hands up, getting comfortable.
"I can't watch this with you in the room."
"Why? It's no big deal. You like her and want to watch her videos, there's nothing wrong with that. Besides, this is the only quiet place and I want to take a quick nap, so I won't be bothering you at all."
Namjoon pressed his lips together as Yoongi closed his eyes.
Letting out a huff, Namjoon reluctantly continued watching videos, noticing a new upload made just an hour ago. It was an interview with you from a show you'd been on recently. He clicked on it out of curiosity and began watching. Again, you looked so pretty. Since this wasn't a show like Music Bank your outfit was more casual. Seeing you dressed down made you look soft and oh-so-cute.
At some point, one of the hosts mentioned an upcoming music program you were set to perform at and began asking questions about that.
"Are there any groups there that you're looking forward to meeting?" The female MC asked.
The expression on your face changed ever so slightly, a hint of excitement on your face.
"NCT 127. I love their music so much. I'm a huge fan."
"Ah. I heard you were a big nctzen."
"I am." You nodded. "If I got the chance to meet them I would be so honored."
"Do you have a favorite member?" Asked the male MC.
"Ah. Should I answer this?" You asked, seeming to get embarrassed.
"Yes, of course." The MC encouraged.
"I like Yuta a lot. He's really cool. I like his edgy look and his style."
Namjoon's jaw clenched unconsciously but he was quick to calm himself.
She's allowed to have a favorite member. He reminded himself. It's not like she's got a crush on him or anything.
"Ah, Yuta is very talented." The female MC nodded.
"He is. Actually, I've never promoted the same time as NCT 127. This upcoming music show will be the first time, so not only am I excited to see them perform in person, but I'm hoping to meet them."


You sat in the crowd amongst other idols and solo artists, having returned to your seat after your performance. You had seen so many amazing groups perform and the one you were looking forward to was just announced.
You watched in anticipation as NCT 127 took the stage, your heart pounding with excitement. They stood in formation until their new song began to play, the upbeat and unique sounds playing through the large speakers in the venue. You had a perfect view, taking in each member's outfit as your foot tapped against the floor, your head bobbing to the beat as you mouthed some of the words. Once it was Yuta's verse, your heart leapt and you found yourself cheering with the crowd. You knew your fansites were probably capturing pictures and videos of you fangirling that would no doubt be put on social media later but you didn't care. Being an NCT fan was something you made known to your fanbase almost from the start of your career.
You let out an involuntary squeak as Yuta did a particularly sultry move, (one that wasn't part of the choreography) casually pulling his loose-fitting sheer black top up just enough to reveal his abs and tattoos, his bellybutton piercing glimmering momentarily under the stage lights making your heart flip.

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