Taehyung ♡ Hazbin Hotel AU [request]

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Requested by @FrostGlass93

Disclaimer: I haven't really watched this show. I've only seen part of an episode and have a general idea of what it's about, so sorry if this imagine isn't accurate. Also, I know it's a vulgar show and there's excessive swearing, but you guys know me, so none of that will be included.

You checked yourself into the Happy Hotel a few weeks ago in hopes to get straightened out and redeem yourself.
It was going well, actually. There weren't many people staying there, though. It's just you and three other people. You guessed most demons didn't want to change. Out of the people staying there, they're all fairly nice, except one guy who's a little unpredictable and suspicious, but that's not your business.

The girl who runs this place, Charlie, is so sweet—one of the sweetest demons you've met, actually. She's so passionate about what she does and is always trying to recruit new people, giving them these elaborate speeches about turning themselves around and getting into Heaven. It's incredibly inspirational and had you from the very beginning.

She started the movement to reduce the population since this it's overcrowded down here. She wanted a non-violent solution and came up with this hotel. She truly believes demons can find redemption and go to Heaven. It sounds wonderful and you want nothing more than to absolve yourself from your past sins.

You were currently situated comfortably on a couch in the lobby, flipping through a book when you heard the doors to the hotel open.

"Hey, Y/n."
You lifted your head to see your friend, Taehyung. A smile spread across your face upon seeing him step into the hotel.
"Tae! What are you doing here?"
You had hoped maybe he changed his mind and decided to check in with you.
Your hopes were immediately crushed when he opened his mouth to speak.
"I came to try and talk you out of staying in this place."
"Taehyung." You sighed. "You tried to talk me out of checking in here and the answer is the same. I want to be here."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do." You responded. "Why don't you join me?"
"No thanks." He crossed his arms. "I don't want to change. I like myself the way I am."
"Why?" You inquired, wanting to know why he would want to go around continuing to do the horrible things he does.
"Because it's fun, Y/n." He chuckled. "Committing crimes, causing trouble, doing illegal things. Why would I wanna give that up?"
"Because it's wrong. Don't you wanna get into Heaven? It's probably so much better up there."
"I doubt it." He snorted.
"Come on, Taehyung."
"Turning into a saint, how fun is that?" He remarked sarcastically. "Can't shoot anyone, can't steal, can't stab someone if they piss you off. It's so boring." He dragged out the last word as he draped himself over the couch dramatically, his head landing right beside you.
You glanced down at him. "Well, it would be a lot more fun if you joined me."
He rolled his eyes, looking up at you. "Not a chance, sweetheart."
You chewed the inside of your cheek.
"Look, I haven't seen you in forever." He frowned.
"I'm sorry. Charlie has needed my help so I've been busy with that. There's not many helping hands around here, you know."
He groaned, rolling off the couch. "Geez. You're such a suck up."
His eyes landed on the book in your hands.
"Ugh. She's even got you reading." He grimaced.
"I actually chose to read, thank you very much. And this is a really good book."
He shuddered. "I hardly even know you anymore. What happened to the girl who would absolutely destroy turf wars with me? The one who could snatch 50 wallets in a day? She was fun. Let me know when she comes back."
He then turned around on his heel and began walking out.
"Where are you going?" You called.
"I'm gonna go find someone to get in a fight with. See ya." He threw his hand up lazily and exited the building.
You let out a sigh, closing your book, having lost interest in it.


The next day, you woke up and roamed the halls of the hotel, yours and Taehyung's conversation the previous day weighed heavily on your mind.
You didn't want the two of you to lose your friendship over something like wanting to change your lifestyle. You remembered when you first decided to check into the hotel. Taehyung laughed at you. He thought you were joking. After you assured him you were serious, his got angry and tried to talk you out of it. You didn't allow that to happen, of course.
That was only a few weeks ago and you were already making such good progress. You couldn't mess it up, not after you've worked so hard.

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