Of a sudden outburst💥

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TW! angst (not really angst but its sad enough...idk eh)

Dear Draco,

Draco I hope you're having a lovely school year.Remmber you can talk to me about anything.But before your father talks to you about it.Theres something you should know.Theres a spell put on every pureblood heir,its a spell to let the parents know when the heir has a child.This spell was used to keep track of when any new heir was born.

I knew of that but I did not know that the spell also knew when a heir first had sexual interactions.I don't agree with spell but of course your father wanted it to be done.Last night your father told me the spell had been broken.The spell breaks when the heir has finally had sexual interactions.Theres no rush to respond son but please atleast tell me. 



Draco put the letter aside his breath still caught in his throat.He squeezed his eyes shut,he should had listened to his father.He should had never gone to the stupid party and none of this would have happened.He always imagined that his first time would be someone he loved.His lover would comfort him and take things slow.It would be the most pleasurable and exciting moment in his life.

Of course because of pureblood tradition it would be after marriage.Draco at first didn't like the idea.But then he got used to it,atleast his lover wouldn't run away and leave him.Sure marriages don't always work but Draco didn't think he would fall into the category.Now because of one party his life was over.He had lost his virginity to Potter.

Who didn't love him or would even want to be near him.To make things worse he didn't even remember anything.So even if it was pleasurable and amazing he wouldn't know.So his first time was a total waste and with a total asshole.Oh he didn't start to think about the things he father would say.The second he got home his father would hit him with a million curses.Leving his skin burning and health totally shattered.

Then probably disown him and after hogwarts he would be a no one.Draco was scared to go home he knew he was going to get hurt.It was like 6th year all over again,crying so much you were dehydrated.His head hit the pillow he curled up into a ball.You would think having sex with chosen one would be a gift from heaven.

Well maybe to the average obsessed fangirl but not to former deatheater Draco Malfoy.Sure him and Potter made up and talked once and while.But they were never friends and never would be.Now Draco was boring with anger.It was probably that gits idea all along,go to the party.Wait until Draco was drunk and fuck him so he could have a advantage of him.Harry Potter has has blackmail on him and could to whatever he wanted with it.

He looked over at his calendar,he had some homework to do and essays to complete.Many were due tomorrow but Draco didn't care.He didn't care that maybe tomorrow he would flunk.Get kicked out of Hogwarts and maybe live in the streets.Draco dressed and decided today was a perfect day to party...again.




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