Of the aftermath ☀

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Draco woke up a warm feeling around his waist and back.Then he realized that feeling was a warm body.Draco opened his eyes he was in a room it was decorated with yellow so he guessed it was the Hufflepuff dorm.

It seemed like a empty room because it didn't have clothes or pictures.He turned and cursed a head of messy jet-black hair and circular glasses on the nightstand.He shifted a bit on the bed,a sore pain in his ass confirmed his thoughts.Draco sighed falling loudly into his pillow.

Harry shifted in sleep he yawned nuzzling into the blondes neck.Well this wasn't a horrible way to wake up Draco thought.He brought his plae fingers through Harry's hair.Paying with it and making tiny braids"You know i can feel that".

Draco jumped at the sudden voice Harry sat up stretching his arms."So.."Draco said fidgeting with his fingers Harry looked down at his hands.Harry turned"Hey Um sorry I mean I knew you had a boyfriend and-".Draco let out a frustrated groan"Fuck i forgot that".

Harry raised a brow"You forgot you had a boyfriend".Draco nodded"Only when I was drunk and ..right now".Oh he was so fucked how was he going to play off this one.

Potter didn't leave this time and Draco remembered everything.Harry smiled"Did you enjoy it"Draco layed his head on Harry's lap."Yeah"he answered running his finger down the other boys leg."

We should probably head back out friends are probably wondering where we are"said Draco as he sat back on looking for his shirt.Harry followed putting on his shirt pants and sliding on his socks and sneakers.

"Um I'll see you around Potter"Draco had the urge to kiss him one last time.He turned around and gave him a deep kiss."I'll see you Harry"he walked the door trying to fix his hair.




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Hey ✌


@blackbob- where tf were you ? 

@realblonde- I guess I blacked out because I woke up in the ROR 

@malenickiminaj- seggs 😏^ 

@realblonde- nope so stop talking about seggs on Instagram comments 😃

@nargalsqueen- The nargals told me you weren't in the ROR

@realblonde- Well Luna don't always trust the nargals ^ 

@nargalsqueen- okay then :) 

@justredok- I woke up on Lunas bed surrounded by candy 😄👆



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