Of some thought to that uh oh💭

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TW! mentions of abortion


(Instagram Messages)

@lighting-hey you ok 


@lighting-um well you dont sound that 'fine'

@realblonde-no im ok just tired 

@lighting-you been tired these past 3 weeks and with the vomiting

@lighting-i really dont think you're ok so let me help out




Draco stared down at his phone, it was killing him. He was so stressed he couldn't talk with Harry. Well, he could talk to Harry, but he knew at some point he had to talk about the baby growing inside him.

But he questioned himself if he should just abort it and just pretend it never happen. He was eighteen, so he could have one without parental consent. (A/N I tried to find the age you could have an abortion without parental consent,

-but it just gives me these websites and I don't want to look through them I'm lazy AF anyways I looked up the same thing in the US bc that's where I live and it said 18 so that is that unless you give me some info so ah lol).

He also had to tell his parents, he was more scared of his father's reaction. Since because of his rules he wasn't even supposed to be having sex before marriage.

He knew his mother's reaction wouldn't as horrible as his father's. But it for sure wasn't going to be overjoyed or excited. Well maybe she would be, but he didn't know.


(Instagram Messages)

@realblonde-i think im MIGHT be getting a abortion 

@blackbob- shouldn't you tell harry atleast

@realblonde-i know but he wont want it ...wont he

@blackbob-well you know his history his muggle family abused him and didnt love him and because of that he cares highly of his friendship and your relationship with you Draco so maybe he would get upset with you idk

@realblonde-okay fine i'll to talk to him but i CANT talk to my parents well not my father

@blackbob- true that your father can sit on my middle finger and twirl on it

@blackbob-oops sorry hes your dad 

@realblonde-its ok im not that fond of him either 



hydro my face 

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hydro my face 


@frizzygal-water your face?

@nargalsqueen-yep ^

@justredok- you look like the guy from the texas chainsaw massacre movie

@blackbob-that movie made me piss my pants

@malenikiminaj- are claustrophobic people fine with their brain being trapped in a skull?

@blackbob-bro wtf ^ ...i actually dont know 


I hope you guys don't hate me for writing that Draco should tell Harry. He had a baby, but I think its important. But first of that's his body and he chooses what he wants do with it. But he should tell Harry so they can be more careful next time. That's my kind of mindset, please don't hate me.

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