Of a wedding sealed with a kiss🤵🏼🤵🏽

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Sometimes you can't believe things are happening for real. Draco couldn't believe that he was in a pure white suit. (Looking gorgeous might I add ;) -AN). His golden hair was brushed neatly. His skin glowed against the morning sun. He was still getting ready he wanted to look perfect. He turned to the window and see the crowd, Pansy was currently trying to hide the fact that she was crying.

Though you could see the lines of dried black mascara running down her cheeks. Hermione was next to her holding a napkin to her eyes. She had her hand clutching Pansy's hand. Ron looked excited, though he was giving a second eye to the table that had the cake nonetheless be was happy and proud. Blaise had a bit of tear in his eyes but you couldn't quite notice. He was fidgeting with his hands probably wanting to get married already.

Ginny and Luna had their hands full. Luna was carrying Scorpius trying to fix his messy blonde hair. But it was no use, the blonde girl laughed and shook her head slightly. Ginny was holding Khadija, unlike Scorpius Khadija was a calm child." Una where's daddy?" asked the blonde little boy. "You'll see soon your papa and daddy are getting married" she responded. Khadija knitted her brows together" What married? "Ginny smiled.

"You get married when you're in love with someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them". The ginger girl gave a small smile to the blonde girl. Luna blushed smiling back, Ginny laughed quietly. "Where the fuck is Draco at ?" asked Pansy. Hermione rolled her eyes, scolding her for her language. Narcissa chuckled softly, Narcissa looked over to the aisle "Oh there comes Draco "everyone straightened their posture.

Ok, all he had to do was walk down the aisle though it was at least like 20 mikes or something, As he walked down he looked at the scenery purple Lilies was placed everywhere. Aswell as narcissus, the duo looked perfect. He looked to his left and right. Everyone smiled brightly. Scorpius and Khadija giggled and wave their small, pudgy hands. Draco smiled softly giving a little wave back.

Finally, he stood on the altar. He bit his lip, he was quite nervous. Though not as nervous as Harry. Draco really didn't pay attention to what the priest said. Though he tried his best, though he almost burst into laughter.

When Scorpius (very loudly) said 'this is boring'. After all the lovely chaos they put on their rings on each other. Though Harry dropped Draco ring like a dozen times. "Mr. Potter, will you please take this ring and place it upon the third finger of Mr. Malfoy's left hand, and holding his hand in yours, please repeat this promise to him saying after me:

With this ring, I seal my promise, to be your faithful and loving husband, as (Y/N u bad bitch yes😏🤚) is my witness. Mr. Malfoy, will you please take this ring and place it upon the third finger of Mr. Potter's left hand, -and holding his hand in yours please repeat this promise to him saying after me: With this ring, I seal my promise, to be your faithful and loving husband, as (Y/N🥴)is my witness. Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter, you have come here today before us and before (Y/N) and have expressed your desire to become partners.

You have shown your love and affection by joining hands, and have made promises of faith and devotion, each to the other, and have sealed these promises by the giving and the receiving of the rings. Therefore, it is my privilege as a pastor and by the authority given to me by the ministry of magic, I now pronounce that you are partners. Mr. Potter, you may kiss your wife.Ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Potter Malfoy." spoke the pastor. Finally, both kissed sealing their fate forever.



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