Of a coffee trip☕

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(Instagram Messages)

@lighting- have you tasted starbucks ?

@realbonde- yes 

@lighting- does it taste good 🤔

@realblonde- depends on the drink 

@lighting- oh ok can you come with me 

@realblonde- to where?😀🤚

@lighting- starbucks you dummy 

@realbonde- no because you called me a dummy 

@lighting- ok sorry !!! now can you go with me :-) 

@realblonde- fine ill go 😒

@lighting- ok meet outside the gryffindor dorms

@reablonde- im not going all way there 

@lighting- fine ill go to you 🙄

@ lighting

going to starbucks with this ferret 

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going to starbucks with this ferret 


@malenickiminaj- pink ferret :) 

@realblonde- delete this i look gross 

@blackbob- um boy where ^ 

@justredok- star⭐bucks💵   where the coffee is expensive

@lighting- its expensive ???

@realblonde- lol i forgot to tell you ^ 😶

                        @ realblonde

                        @ realblonde

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           @malenickiminaj- ushy gushy 💃

           @blackbob-is it a date?

            @realblonde-lol no

           @justredok-emo king 🖤            

            @nargalsqueen- Draco who painted your nails?

             @realblonde-Blasie but i usually do them ^ 


Harry took a sip of his coffee the taste feeling sweet on his tongue." Mmm this is good".Draco smiled"See I told you"Draco his iced coffee paying the cashier."You lived with muggles when you were little how come you've never tried Starbucks coffee, "asked Draco. Harry frowned"My uncle and aunt hated me they locked me under the stairs".

Draco choked on his drink" I'm sorry did I hear that correctly, they locked you under a staircase".Harry nodded"They sound horrible, they didn't deserve to take care of you you know you're a great person, "Draco said."Is the Draco Malfoy completing me"Draco rolled his eyes shoving Harry's shoulder playfully"Oh shut up, so you're ok now right".

Draco wanted to know if Harry was going to be safe after all he's been through. The man deserves some time to relax"Yeah I'm fine" Harry replied.

Draco put his drink down and put his arms around the other boy's neck giving him an embrace. Harry hugged him putting his chin on his blonde hair"Thanks I needed that".


Love how trump have so many nicknames for him UGH😭💖^

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