Of Halloween night 🌙

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TW!the the f slur is in here but just in one sentence,also cheating


Draco and his friends went into the party which was being hosted in the Hufflepuff common room.The room was well decorated dark and with lights of all colors.Tables had foods and drinks,and there was loud music filling the air.Pansy went with Hermione to the dessert table,grabbing tarts and cookies.

Ron and Blasie intertwined their finger and went to chat with fellow peers.Luna was doing a funky dance in the middle of the dance floor.While Ginny danced with her and cheered her on.Draco didn't see where Harry went so he was left alone.So he went off to see if Theo came,after walking through crowds he found him.

He was on a couch drinking and chatting with friends.Draco went over and sat next to him"Hey babe you came"yelled Theo over the music.He wrapped an arm around the pale boy,giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Theo smirked"So me and my friends were playing never have I ever but with a twist if you don't want to answer a question you take a shot sounds god"?Draco nodded wanting to join in with fun.

Many questions went around have you kissed anyone,have you lost your virginity,whats your kink,have you ever gotten with a professor."Never have I ever had a dark mark"said one Hufflepuff girl.Draco bit his lip he had one but it was due to mistakes and bad influence.He didn't want to nod because it would set out a bad vibe.

But he also didn't want to take a shot because that would just spark up the questions.Like you worked for you know who,why did you do that,are you evil or have you ever killed someone.

The Hufflepuff girl smirked evilly at him she knew his dirty secret.I mean people knew Draco had the mark but people had stop talking about it.Draco did not want people talking again,it made him feel guilty even more than he was.

She laughed"Come on Malfoy we all know just nod and while your at it show us".Everyone looked at him avoiding his gaze and giving him looks full of judgment.

"What are you a pussy come on show us you fag"she yelled.Why didn't Theo say anything he just sat there sipping on his stupid drink.He felt he was going to cry,he was going to cry infront of a crowd. And the a bloody Hufflepuff who he stereotyped to be nice were going to bully him.Just when she was going to throw another insult someone covered by white sheet and sunglasses tapped her shoulder.

"Hey can you stop bothering him"said the ghost.The ghost grabbed his hand and pulled him from the uncomfortable crowd."Hey you okay"asked the ghost Draco nodded a tear fell from his eye.

"Thank you so much I was going to break down there"he pulled into a hug and gave the ghosts cheek a kiss.Draco blushed"Sorry I just-"the ghost chuckled"Its fine but you know who I am right?".

Draco cursed under his breath he didn't know who this ghost was and just gave him a kiss.Well a kiss one the cheek but still.

"Um I don't know"the ghost pulled the cheek reavling none other than the Harry Potter.Draco rolled his eyes playfully"Of course it was you with your hero complex".Harry laughed putting the sheet back over his head."So you want to go drink something"Draco gave him a hum.Through out the night both boys drank and danced.

Draco and Harry actually finished a game of beer pong that left them pretty drunk."Mmm you know you have a really pretty face"Harry commented.Draco giggled giving Harry a shove"Well your goodlooking too your so fucking hot".

Harry slanted his face and went in for his lips.Harry snaked his arm around Dracos waist boosting him up into his lap.Draco smiled into the kiss,he left a trail of kisses down his chin sucking giving the golden boy a big lovebite.

"Fuck,you want to go into a room"Draco nodded stumbling his way into a empty bedroom with Harry.He pushed the one onto the bed climbing onto him and attacking his lips once again.Running his fingers through that white,gold hair.

Buttons were undone,Harry stared at the stars on Dracos chest.His guiltlyness ate away at his smotach,a pare of long finger shifted his face.

He started back at grey blueish eyes"Its ok I forgive you along time ago,you didn't know the spell".The blonde his knuckles in reassurance,the night followed with love but most importantly lust.


pUur couple goals ^ 

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