Of the pansmione house👩🏻👩🏽

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Draco looked around Hermione and Pany's new house. It was modern, well kind of other parts weren't. The library was huge, it probably held at least a billion books."Woah it's beautiful Pansy, though you kinda overdid it with the library".Scorpius was on his single hip, eyeing the new space." Well Hermione wanted one so I went big".

Draco snorted, such a Pansy thing to do. Hermione was probably scolding her on how it was irresponsible." That's not how you play it bitch!" said a loud voice from the living room.

Draco covered Scorpuis's ears. Blaise, Ron, Ginny, and Luna were playing a game of Uno. Ginny tucked a strand of her ginger hair behind her ear." No we're doing this all wrong here look at the instructions".Luna giggled"Actually we've been doing it right, you're the one confused darling".

Ron snorted laughing his ass off along with place. Blaise smirked"It that case, Uno motherfuckers!" Draco cleared his throat. And sat next to Luna, "May you always cuss Blaise" Scorpius giggled. Making grabby hands towards the blonde and ginger girl. Draco smiled putting Scorpius on Ginny's lap."Hey Scorp you doing buddy?" asked Ginny. He gave her a gummy smile" 'Inny" he said.

He looked over at the blonde girl." 'Una" Luna smiled"So smart I wonder where you got it from".Ginny coughed," Definitely not from Harry" she chuckled."Daddy!" squeaked Scorupis, he looked around and frowned when didn't spot him."Oh, look hes over there" pointed Luna over at the counter. Harry was talking with Hermione, while Pansy was trying to bake cupcakes.

Scorpius waved his little hand over where the trio stood. Hermione laughed giving a wave back. Harry smiled and walked over."Hello!" he kissed him on the nose. Draco smiled looking at the two people he loved the most.

Blaise laughed next to him"I remember you always saying how you first wanted to get a job, then get married, and maybe start thinking about kids".Draco giggled"Yeah me too I think I would be at least thirty when having my first child, I was way off".Draco always thought he would be like his father. Get out of Hogwarts with perfect grades, and get the job he always wanted.

Which was had actually been a movie star for a couple of years. But he found out that was actually a muggle thing. So he decided to be a medical wizard. Then he would get married to this pureblood Slytherin girl. He probably had never met or would even love. Had one heir, and only have another child if it wasn't born a male. Then wickedly live the rest of his life, doing whatever his father did.

"I know you might not want to answer this but..you thinking about getting married"Blasie asked, his eyebrow raised. He clearly wanted to know the tea so he and Pansy could fangirl about it for the next fifty years."Well, I don't know I guess I do"Blaise rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean you guess"Draco shook his head."Okay, I do but I want to get proposed to, but I'm not going to be the one kneeling before him".Blaise fought to not let a grin on his face, of course, he lost."Really because I'm pretty sure you've been kneeling before him, but for other reasons you know".

Draco threw him a glare, giving him a playful slap on the shoulder. He looked over at Scorpius, uh oh he thought. Scorpius's eyebrows were knitted and he had a look of seriousness? Draco stood up and went over to him. He lifted him by the armpits"Well I think you need a diaper change, okay?"He gave him Scopus a give on the cheek." The bathrooms are upstairs" yelled Pansy from the kitchen. Draco walked up the stairs and disappeared up.

Everyone then turned their attention to Hary."What?!"Harry asked, confused why he was being starred." Since you're Draco's baby daddy and boyfriend".Ginny crossed her arms"We all were thinking about you proposing".Harry looked back at them with his jaw hitting the floor." Harry James Potter you haven't thought of proposing?!" Hermione said. Pansy laughed, Blasie covered his mouth trying not to die.

Harry gave them a nervous grin"Actually I have but I don't want it to be corny, I do even know what kind of ring he likes, or where he would want to be prospered at?".Pansy and Blaise looked over at him, handing him a parchment of paper." Everything Draco Malfoy likes about rings" answered Blasie.

Luna gave him a parchment to him too"Believe it or not but Draco has always dreamed about this moment, he told me everything during a crystal healing session. Believe it's pretty cheesy but it's what he always said he wanted for a proposal".Hermione stood up, with a huge bundle of paper." We also have to work on your speaking, think about it as a speech".

Harry looked over to Ron, the ginger man gave him a shrug." I mean I can panic with you that's for sure, Ginny probably can get you thinking straight though it's not really straight thinking if you think about it".Hermione shook her head with a smile"Here are just a few examples" she dumped a bunch of parchments on papers on his lap.

"You practice whenever or however you want, remember this a speech about wanting Draco to marry you, how and why you love him so much".Ginny snorted"Hermione calm down he isn't giving a speech to the whole wizarding world, Harry I got one tip for you do not drop the ring, "She thought for a moment"Get Pansy or Blasie to dress you".

"We're are back!" said a voice walking down the stairs. Everyone shut their mouths, "What were you guys talking about?"Harry gulped"Um we were talking about hair..."Ginny rolled her eyes."Yep about hair" she said with a fake smile."Yeah and the methods how to get it shiny and voluminous"Blasie continued.

"If you guys wanted help with hair, you should have called me," he said. Scorpuois looked around the room, he felt the energy of the room. Wondering why they felt nervous, maybe they were insulting papa's hair?! Scorpios gasped covering his mouth with his little hand"What's wrong love"Scopuios looked up at him, and just smiled at his papa.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEROGE AND FRED I   L O V E  BOTH OF YOU 😩 i want to be in Paris BUT WAIT THATS WERID THERE BROTHERS- uh....they can take turns🤐

they can take turns🤐

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