Of a leave 🚶🏼‍♂️

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"Harry I think I'm cursed Draco"  whined . He was lying down on their shared bed.Sighing dramatically, Scorpuis was curled up next to him napping."I have acne I never get acne " Harry chuckled."It's not the end of the world" Draco rolled his eyes.Draco scooted over next to Harry.

He put his head on the other man's chest. Harry ran his fingers through blonde looks of hair."Harry I don't want to get married yet " said the blonde with a whisper.Harry tensed, his heart breaking slowly by the second.

He sat up anger bubbling inside him."Why didn't you say anything when I proposed to you like a fool?!".He spent months looking for the perfect place , outfit,  and ring.All of this  just for Draco to say he didn't want to to get married anymore.

"I've just been feeling odd lately"Draco bit his lip."I don't think I can get married like this ".Harry knitted his eyebrows "You don't want to get married because you're feeling werid " he scoffed-

"That's a pretty pathetic excuse, if you don't want to be with me just say so".Draco just didn't feel well.He has this feeling something is  wrong with him.Odd red spots and bumps have appeared on his face.

Recently he had been feeling more tired.If he had a wedding he couldn't have pimples all over his face and be practically half asleep. The blonde felt mad that Harry couldn't understand.

"I just don't feel good you prick don't you understand" he spat."Well I don't, I don't know why you feel odd tell me because I'm clueless"Harry retorted back."Are you cheating oon me ?!". Draco scoffed"Dont start with that bull shit, you're just pouring all the blame on me".

"You're so irritating Potter you think  everything is about you , well it's not, you should get that around your idiot brain"Draco cried . Harry laughed"Im the self centered one, the clear narcissist is right infront of me".

"You only care about yourself, how do I feel now that your canceling our weeding, I mean I don't even know if you love me anymore".

Draco glared at him grabbing Harry by the wrist.Dragging him to the hallway that way they would not disturb their sleeping child."You fucking idiot I love you how can you say I dont".Tears started to build up in Draco's eyes.

"Well since you don't want to get married it seems you don't love me, maybe your sleeping with some dude"Draco took his hand and slapped Harry across the face."Are you calling me a slut, oh I hope you're not because I'm leaving right now!".

Harry's jaw more or less fell to the floor."Leaving what the hell are you talking about".Draco darted to their bedroom taking Scorpuis in his arms .

Harry stepped into his way"You can't take Scorpuis he's my son too".Draco kicked the other man in the shin.Leaving their    shared home with a loud shut of a door.
drama  🥸🤘

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