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As I walked town the dimly lit corridors, I tried to calm my thoughts after the transfiguration class that day, It wasn't as easy as I hoped, especially if your Best Friend won't shut up over the whole event.
"I know you saw that tension, y/n." He was screaming, trying to expose me.

"Lorenzo, SHUT UP!" I finally cracked. "It was almost two months ago" I softened my voice. Yeah, it's been almost two months and he hasn't said a word to me. Maybe Lorenzo is right, maybe I should have hope it wasn't a one time thing. That didn't mean the fact that he hasn't talked to me hurt less, I thought we could be friends, maybe.

Enzo brought me out of my train of thought when he asked if I'd be fine with him going with a friend of his, Evie. Over the month they'd been talking more, a girl our age, maybe a year younger. She really is nice, a Hufflepuff, she also has an older Brother, Cedric.

After I was left to roam the halls alone, I wondered to the seventh floor. No other students were even in the corridor, which was fine by me. I wasn't really paying attention, well that was until I saw Mattheo, he had began to walk towards me, not directly but in the direction. The area we were was kind of like plus sign if that makes sense, but anyways, before he could see me, he turned the corner. I really had nothing better to do so I chose to follow him. After about 30 seconds I figured he wouldn't notice I was following him, kinda brave for a Slytherin, maybe I should be a Gryffindor and be with Neville.

I walked down the same hallway I saw him go down, I reached the end, only there was no Riddle in sight. "Where did he go" I thought to myself, quietly murmuring it under my breath.

That was when I felt a pair of unfamiliar pair of hands pull me into a room behind me. Confused as to when a door got behind me disappeared into the back of my head pretty quickly, who was the one who pulled me?

"Are we following me now Malfoy?" A now more recognizable voice spoke from behind me.

I could feel him still. He had his hands on my wrist from pulling me into this room, I still couldn't recall a room being there though.

I turn to face Mattheo, who has a growing grin on him face. His face looked, perfect in the dimly lit room.  His jaw line was surprisingly amazing for only be 13.

His eyes the prettiest color of Green and Brown, forming a shade of Hazel. His lips a soft shade of pink. His stupid smirk was still plastered on his face.

I looked from his eyes to his lips jokingly. "Really Malfoy, don't do that" With that his smirk never faded only now he was leaning in. I, y/n Malfoy leaned in, making my own dreams come true.

But, who would I be it I let him get what he wants. Not a Malfoy, that's for sure.

Before our lips collided, I swerved toward the right.

"swerve" I whispered into the dumbfounded boys ear.

"See you later Theo" I then continue on my walk throughout the school and back to my dorm.

As 11 neared, I felt more emotions over the whole interaction. What are we, is there even a we. I got up from my bed when I noticed it was five till. I knew I'd have to go through the common room, I was hoping and praying that Mattheo wasn't sitting in there.
I reached the exit to the girls dormitories, looking out into the common room, I didn't see Theo, thankfully.

I sped walked to the boys dormitories so I wouldn't run into the boy. I tried to keep. y head down, when I reached Enzo's dorm I knocked quietly, suddenly he pulled me inside harshly.

"Why are you knocking on my door Malfoy?" Theo asked.

Fuck. "Riddle." was all I could get out before he pulled me into a kiss, I didn't get the change to reject it because of the suddenness of everything.

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now