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The clean up after the war was the least to say extensive. Except the Slytherins that are oh so familiar had a different topic on their minds. 

"What's a Pensive" Lorenzo asked, genuinely confused. 

"Lorenzo Honey, it's a device that when you put your stored memories into it, the person who sticks their head into the pensive, watches those memories" Draco explained 

This explanation gave Enzo some sense, soon after Y/n joined the three boys. She remembered Draco, her brother and Lorenzo, her platonic soulmate/best friend. Only the tall dark haired boy who sat in the corner silently was the one that gave her the feeling that she knew but the memory was foggy, she couldn't pinpoint it fully. 

"What’s that?" she asked pointing towards the  object sitting on the desk

"I'll explain later" Draco started "But before then, just look into it" He finished. 

Y/n nodded, agreeing, not seeing anything wrong with the motion. She moved towards the desk, she then looked down into the swirling white, wispy color that lumed back up at her. 

As soon as she "fell" into it, everything began to make sense again. It all clicked for her, her mind wasn't foggy. It started to clear up, starting with her memories from her Second year.

Flashes of his eyes, a Hazel color, closer to brown than green but still having a green tint. 

Then back to when she was always  being pulled away into dark  rooms away from everyone. To nights where her and Mattheo sat up in the Astronomy tower. He laid with his head in her lap, while she played with his hair, what a curly mess it always was. 

She remembered the talks they had about their future together. Two kids, maybe three, a house with a porch to watch the sunrise, and a dog or two to add some fun into their little mix as the Riddles. 

Y/n was back in the office, everything clear to her, who she was, who her past was with the one she cared about the most, Mattheo Riddle. 

She was ready to spend the rest of her life with him and overly in love with him, except she didn't know that he was having the exact same thoughts as her, even if he had to  make her love him again from the very beginning. 

"Mattheo Riddle, I'm utterly in love with you" She said running towards him. 

He pulled her in, tightly scared of losing her again. He kissed her the same way he did the very first time, and it felt magical.

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now