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I spent a week or so with Harry's family, but i do have to admit dudley, or whatever was a bit scary.

Petunia and I bonded a decent amount.

It didn't take long for Dumbledore to pick us up, Harry and I though.

He took us to some old ass house because of some old ass order  thing. #yolo# liveyourlifetothefullesy<3

"HARRY" Ron excitedly yelled as he spotted harry, practically as soon as he arrived

Harry's face lit up with excitement as the weasley family arrived, it was getting boring

"Who's that" Auther weasley motioned towards me, who awkwardly sad in the corner reading, while witnessing the whole encounter

"oh that's" Harry began before the best of the weasley interrupted

"y/n!" Forge and Gred exclaimed excitedly while plopping down on both sides of me, putting me directly in between the red heads

"fancy seeing you here" they continued

"awh yes, my favorite people" i groaned

"you know how you said you'd wear a dress the next time i saw you two"

The brothers looked at each other before looking back to make sure molly and the others were away and out of hear shot

"about a month ago, last gryffindor party?" they said in unison

"bingo" i laughed

"well fred, i get the blue dress, it compliments my eyes" george said while running up the stairs

"FOURTH DOOR ON THE RIGHT" i yelled to the now bickering twins

"gits" i laughed under my breath

"oh my, i'm sorry y/n their a handful" molly did still smiling from the boys

quick A/N
uhh so um hey <3
i lowkey am thinking abt just skipping 5th year for the most part bc 1 uhhh umbitch makes me want to off myself. yolo. 2 it would be easier to get to the "fun" things

so in conclusion there will be A LOT of time jumps


"BABY I MISSED YOU" Lorenzo Berkshire said running towards the two malfoys, who met up before finding Enzo

Draco opened his arms for his Boyfriend to run to, which was then rejected for his twin sister.

"I MISSED YOU BESTIE... did you get the kruchi" enzo whisper the last part

"indeed my love, i'll put it on your bed tonight" I replied with a wink

"okay cute, now give me my boyfriend" Draco said impatiently

"damn okay" I say in a mocking tone

"The girls are fighting" Enzo chuckled to the surrounding students who rolled their eyes and giggled

"Y'all are like rachel and Barbie fighting over ken" Eve yelled from the news forming crowd

"HA you just got compared to the not wanted barbie" Draco boasted

"NO, SHES BARBIE" another person yelled

"HA you just got compared to the not wanted barbie" I said in a mocking tone

"Let's go babe" Enzo laughed pulling draco away

"Library at 6?" I yelled

Lorenzo turned and wink before skipping away with draco.

The crowd faded away, expect for Evie Diggory

"Hi" she whispered

"Hi" I relied

"can we talk, please" evie said desperately

"Of course, astronomy tower?" i asked

She nodded and began towards the tower

"Okay, i don't really have anything to say, i just need to give you this" evie said pulling out a price of paper

"I'll let you be alone" she said warmly before walking back to the main part of the castle

y/n, the nicest slytherin i'll ever know

"damn, this is about to hurt like a bitch"

i'm writing this at 3 am, you're the only thing i can think of currently.

I don't think i've fallen for someone so hard as i've recently fallen for you, yes it's sappy but it's sadly true.

You've told me that you loved me except i can't help but recall Mattheo, i can't help but recall how happy you looked with him.

I feel as if i've taken that away because i can't provide that for you right now, possibly over time but i can't do that to you.

I know that way you look at each other like there's nothing else according at the moment, so y/n rae malfoy go be happy.

maybe in another life

you're truly


And i was right, that shit hurt like a bitch, he told me everything i didn't believe in a simple letter.


i need to talk to mattheo, but first i need to piss




am i really doing this

yes, yes i am

y/n you're a fucking malfoy, YOUVE TALKED TO MOTHE FUCKING VOLDEMORT

stop being a little bitch

okay i'm good

Slowly, i knocked on the furthest door in the hallway of boys dormitories

"what the fuck do you want astoria for the last time i don't want to fuc-" Mattheo looked shocked, not frozen when he saw me.

"y/n, sorry about that" Mattheo said looked embarrassed

"it's okay" i said slowly "can we talk, please"

"oh shit, yeah" he said moving aside from the door so i could enter

We sat at his bed just in a comfortable silence while i collected my words

"Mattheo" i said breaking the quiet

Theo's head shot up, and he looked me in the eye

"Mattheo, i never stopped loving you, and i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't, i can't help it, i know you're in a relationship with astoria and hall but-" mattheo cut me off before i could rant any longer

"Y/n calm down, one thing at a time" he whispered calmly

"for starters i'm not dating astoria, she only wanted me for popularity" he said obviously embarrassed

"oh" I said

We once again sat in silence which was extremely loud

"y/n, i never stopped loving you" he muttered

"Mattheo riddle I think i'm in love with you"

"Haven't you always been" Mattheo winked

"You ruined the mood idiot" I said, while we sat just looking at each other like the other one was the most prized thing in the whole world

y'all have been waiting for this one

anyways rip ced

but like we knew

it's mattheo

okay, so my school year ends hella soon so most likely i'll be posting more very soon, ily guys <3

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