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"so" mattheo said breaking the silence

"shut the fuck up"
"make me"
"don't test me"

"i'll be in my room" i said obviously annoyed

"see you at 8 we're going to dinner" mattheo said excitedly

"not a chance" rolling my eyes i went to my room

"damn riddle" i groaned as i jumped onto my bed

"what's wrong with the riddles" a curious Lorenzo asked

"Oh nothing, other than the fact i have to date one then marry when we graduate, nothing bad" i complaid

Lorenzo looked surprised, at a lose for words
"No nose or perfect hot nose"

"Perfect hot nose"
"Hey, don't get any ideas your dating my brother and he's my boyfriend" i visibly cringed at the word

Enzo raised his hands in surrender, he laughed and went back to his original point
"after dinner me you draco and now a mattheo riddle will be accompanied by fire whiskey and my little friend veriterserum"

how did he get those two items, no idea. Is it a good idea to combine them with multiple teens? no. are we going to anyway? yes of course.

Eight rolled around in a matter of time and Mattheo kept his promise of "picking up" me up, Lorenzo left soon after us so according to him, mattheo and i could have alone time.

"Wow you kept your word, for once" i added with a smirk

"y/n darling you know you can't be a bitch, dear old dad wants those relationship to work" he emphasized the words dad and work

"i'll leave you for your dad, he obviously wouldn't cheat" i continued

"go cry about it to Astoria"
"go get me coffee"

Mattheo went off to fine coffee and i sat down, finally away from him, well sort of

People obviously don't know how to whisper, and murmurs could be heard from the hufflepuff table across the hall.

As soon as i looked up at the teachers table, Snape and Dumbledore passed Mcgonagall 5 Galleons each

"Ahhh my lovely Girlfriend, here's your coffee" Mattheo practically yelled

"i. hate.you." was all i could get out before turning the color of the gryffindor ties

"Attention everyone"  Mattheo said standing on the table

"Get down" i whisper yelled which made mattheo smirk more

"Y/n Malfoy and I, Mattheo Riddle are now going out, She is my Amazing Girlfriend, Thank you for your attention" He smirked then got down and began to fill his plate.

Enzo looked like he was about to pee himself from laughing, Draco looked you know, Pissed.
Astoria with a familiar look, but with a bit more frustration. Harry looked confused, that's for sure. Mcgonagall looked happy. Snape looked proud for some reason. What the fuck is wrong with Hoewarts.

"y/n a word please" draco said from across the table

"no, but i'll see you in the common room" i said smiling innocently and leaving


Enzo didn't have a problem kicking out the other students so we could have to common room to ourselves

"wouldn't it be smarter to go to theo's room because it's private and so we don't get caught"
i said being to obvious smart one

"oh shit true" enzo said

We packed up and made our way to theo's room

hey besties

Riddle - |Mattheo Riddle| Under RevisionWhere stories live. Discover now