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Hi loves! firstly i want to say thank you so much for your support on these last few chapters! secondly thank you so so so much for 34k reads. y'all are crazy. anyways as i was saying an amazing human gave me an amazing idea. I'm pretty sure most of us forgot about evie, so this is about what happens with evie and enzo, btw i'll put her @ at the end!

Enzo POV
"Y/N Y/N Y/N" i scream searching for blond, obviously excited to share my amazing news.

"WHAT LORENZO" she yells back with a laugh

"GET OVER HERE NOW" i demand
With a roll of her eyes she was at my side.

"Okay, so girl talk tonight" i whisper excitedly

i eagerly sat on my bed dressed in our matching pjs for y/n to get her ass in here. this was about to be good.

It takes this bitch a whole ten minutes to get to my room- the fuck

When she finally did arrive she was out of breath and flustered.

"I'm guessing the walk over here was exciting" i say with a wink. Before i have time to react she grabbed a pillow aiming for my head. how lovely.

"bitch shut up-" she began before being rudely interrupted by blaise screaming at us to shut up. 

"SHUT UP ZAM" We yell at him in unison

"anyways" i begin with a debby ryan motion
"evie right, diggies little sister. bitch- i swear" we both being to laugh, an ugly laugh too. like the one where you can't breath, and it's just a high pitched weeze. eh cute we know

"no" she finally says before plunging back into laughter

"give me two weeks, and we'll see" i say winking

"SHUT UP BEFORE SNAPE COMES AND YELLS AT YOU TWO FOR SOUNDING LIKE MANDRAKES" blaise yells in annoyance, which definitely doesn't help with out laughter, actually it most likely increased it. 

y/n's laughter quickly fades "fuck, it's like 1 am" "bye enzo love you, you too zam" she said playfully as she gets up and exists quickly.

"so evie" blaise asks

"two weeks and yes, evie" i laugh cockly

y/n and i walked to school often, something we've done since first year, only this time we ran into evie. With a nod and wink from y/n i was down the corridor yelling for her to wait up for me.

"Enzo right" she questions as i catch up to her

"Correct" I say cockly.

"anyways i was wondering if you'd want to hangout some time, you know as friends" i say smirking

"no" she says walking away

"damn" i yell after her
Fuck y/n was right, what a bitch

evie is a mood anyways here is her at! ddaisyy_le

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