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Sixth year felt different. There was a change in everyone.

Everyone was under the stress of their parents, they needed to be perfect. As long as they were succeeding, their parents were winning in reality.

In the society built out of a  "Pure" wizarding world, it came at a cost. At stake was the new generation of witches and wizards. Under these expectations, Draco Malfoy crumbled.

At the Ball
"So when were you going to tell me that you became a death eater" y/n spat at her older brother.

He was speechless. He was supposed to keep his baby sister away from his mess of a live. He failed himself. "It doesn't matter anyways" he said putting up a hard exterior.

"you're my brother, my twin, you're not supposed to keep things like that from me!" she yelled. Tears rushed to the bridge of her eye. "what happened to no secrets, we were supposed to be in this together "

The room fell quiet. Without another word she was gone.

A bit later at hogwarts

The two sat in the room of requirements staring at a broken cabinet. "No more secrets?" y/n asked looking over at Draco. He nodded "No more secrets"

Work began soon after resulting in tireless days and sleepless nights being spent in the room.

Their grades began dropping slightly. This indeed infuriated Lucius.

Draco, Y/n

I expect more from you. Try harder. You need to succeed, everyone's counting out you.


Try after try it finally clicked, it worked.

The year was coming to a close, stress was off their shoulders, well partly, and to please their father their grades rose once again.


The four known slytherins stood at the astronomy tower over looking the hogwarts grounds.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow hogwarts isn't going to feel like home" Draco whispered.

They all nodded still being silence taking everything in. The smells, the surroundings, the memories.

y/n leaned into mattheo hugging him tightly, the same going for enzo and draco.

They stayed up in that tower for hours. Reminiscing about memories and events that occurred since their second year.

"Will you guys hate me after tomorrow night? " Draco asked looking over the railing.

"Never, we love you" lorenzo said leaning in to kiss him.

They woke up in Mattheos bed. Enzo on the right, y/n in the middle, Mattheo on the left, and draco laying across their feet.

Their day went by all to quickly for their liking. Classes felt short and incomplete. But no matter what they all stuck tougher.

"Can we go over the plan one more time" Enzo asked.

Draco nodded. " I'll be in the room of requirements letting the death eaters in" he began "You mattheo will be in the astronomy tower, your dads request. Enzo a quarter after Ten go get y/n from her dorm and meet Mattheo at the tower"

"Wait why don't we just go together to the astronomy tower" y/n asked.

Draco sighed "i'm not sure, i think  it was fathers idea"

Around 10

Draco entered the room of requirements, sneaking death eater after death eater into the castle.

Fifteen minutes later Enzo and y/n booked it to the astronomy tower where they met Theo. "You two go over there" he said pointing to an area covered in shadows. "We have to stay hidden"

Suddenly a loud bang alerted the trio that someone arrived. Soon after they recognized Harry Potters voice, then Dumbledore's.

Realization hid y/n. this is really happening.

Draco finally made an appearance. The only thing they could hear was dumbledore's voice, only it was quiet and frail.

Soon a clinker of a wand dropping was echoing throughout the tower.

"I have to kill you" dracos voice appeared louder than before "or he's going to kill me"

y/n held her breath at his statement. "He wouldn't would he" she questioned herself

The other death eaters began to climb the steps

"that's our queue" Mattheo said pulling the pair out of the shadows.

"well done draco" Bella whispered into his ear, encouraging him to finish his task.

"Do it" she hissed at the blond

Once again the four were surprised to see the one and only severus snape.

Snape stayed silent just looking at Dumbledore.
"Severus, please" Albus begged.

Without any hesitance snape spat back "Avada Kedavra"

Y/n, Lorenzo, Draco, and Mattheo watched emotionlessly as dumbledore fell to his death. how did they end up in this situation.

Snape pulled the four teenagers away from the scene, down the steps. Death eaters had the same idea and followed quickly.

Bellatrix wasn't going to leave without some fun. When did she ever.

As they all ran from the castle, through the corridors memories flashed. It was done. Their home wasn't home anymore.

When they reached Hagrids Hut, Harry finally caught up with them screaming.

"How could you!" he yelled at snape
He then made eye contact with y/n who stood among them. His eyes told it all, he's done. Everything goes wrong in Harry Potters life.

"We need to go" Mattheo whispered. The group then ran off leaving snape and harry.

With a port key draco received they arrived at the Malfoy Manor in no time.

guys i'm sad, this story is going to be finished soon :(
just 7th year and a bit before then.
i might start another on after this i'm not sure.
lmk any ideas !
anyways rip dumbledaddy

p.s i think i'm doing the first option for the cover!
guys i made a tiktok account for my stories if you want to follow it's " charleeeee22 "

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