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"heyyy harry" i said, gaining the attention of multiple Gryffindors who groaned in disgust

"y/n?, why aren't you with the slytherins. we leave tomorrow" harry questioned

"i just wanted to check up on you, you know with everything that happened" i said slowly

"oh yeah, you can sit by the way" harry responded

I took the seat across from him, the person seated next to me, also know as fred weasley smiled and continued on, unlike every other gryffindor, am i really that bad lmao.

"so what are you're plans for summer" harry asked, making small talk

"oh haha, i'm not sure, my father wrote to me about him not wanting me home" i spoke, meeting harrys eyes

"i think it's about cedric and our relationship, i'll figure something out" i said pirking up
"what about you?"

"oh, i'm going with my muggle family" harry explained

"hey, how about you come with, my family won't mind... hopefully"

"r-really?" i asked in pure shock

"i mean, why not, we are friends"

"thank you harry, i appreciate it, a lot actually" i spoke slowly

"of course" harry began but was interrupted by the one and only draco malfoy

"y/n, come on" he mumbled

"oh okay, bye harry, see you tomorrow" i added before waking off with the blondie

The next Morning

I woke up, to a surprisingly fine day, I grabbed my trunk and walked to the common room to say goodbye to Enzo and Draco.

"ENZOOOOO" I yelled as i spotted him

"MY FAVORITE BLONDIEEE" he screamed back

I hugged him, and told him my plans for summer, while this bitch was going to bora bora.

"OoOo will you bring me back this muggle thing called a sconcie, it would look great in your bothers hair" enzo giggled excitedly

"yes lorenzo, i'll find you a crunchie" i laughed

"shit i got to go find harry" i added

"bye my love" lorenzo said giving me one last hug

"Y/N over here" harry waved excitedly from a compartment.

I giggled and walked over to the compartment, which contained hermione, ron, and my bestie boo Neville.

"Babeeeee" Neville said excitedly as i walked in.

"My darling, it's been forever" i replied sitting down next to him.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione gave us looks of questioning

"Bloody hell, are you to dating" he asked

"Bimly, No" we relied instantly

This seemed to confuse the trio more than ever

Soon realization set in Hermiones face

"Are you two pretending to be a couple, as a- a joke?" she asked

"Yes, isn't that right my baby boo" i replied laughing

It didn't take long for the trolly witch to come along either. After ron unwrapped a chocolate frog he finally broke his silence.

"Ohhhh i get it now, it's a joke" he groaned then laughed

"Seriously ronald, it's been ten minutes" Hermione laughed

Around two hours later, Hermione was asleep on ron's shoulder and ron was sleep on harry's, while harry was asleep, leaning on the window for support.

"Hey Nev" i said quietly

"hm?" he asked drowsily

"i missed you" i continued quietly

"i missed you too y/n" he mumbled

Around five minutes later i whisper to bestie boo again
"pst nev"

"hm?" he asked peering down at me

"can i use you as a pillow" i murmur


"thanks honey"

"no problem honey bun"

I rest my head on his leg, drifting off into a sleep where the memory cedric isn't haunting me.

"y/n" we're almost there harry said  while gently shaking me awake

"five more minutes" i said promptly

"Haha pay up Harry" Neville said to harry  playfully

"was i bet on" i ask still half asleep.

"Sorry my love, but yes" Neville boasted

Harry then handed Nev a Galleon.

Slowly i sat up, gathering myself.

It took no time at all before the train came to a stop and the five of us hauled our trunks out to the platform.

Looking around I made eye contact with my mom, her eyes glistened with tears. Me not coming home wasn't her choice, it never was. It's all my sperm donee, off brand barbie.

I gave my mother a warm smile and let my eyes continue to search the crowds.

My eyes brought themselves to mattheo. He looked like shit. The bags under his eyes stood out, they were a dark purple, his movements were slow, and all around it looked like he felt shitty as much as he looked the part.

Harry broke my train of thought as he grasped my hand and pulled me away form the platform at back to the muggle one.

"Come on boy" A short stubby man yelled in our direction

"okay okay, i'm coming" harry said quietly

"What's this" The man asked gesturing towards me.

My time to shine

"Hello sir, i'm y/n. Very nice to met you, i've heard amazing things about you" i said with a smile

The mans face of disgust turned to a look of interest

"What is this about boy" the man grunted  to harry, ignoring me.

"As she said her name is y/n, she doesn't have a place to go, so i was wondering if it was okay for her to stay with us" harry said hopefully

Before their conversation had continued further, i turned to what i assumed to be the mans wife.

"I'm y/n, i love your necklace, it suits you" i said cheerfully

the woman smiled back at me while questioning if i'd actually complimented her.

"Thank you... y/n, i'm petunia" she replied

before our conversation continued further, Harry and the man began to walk towards the parking lot for muggle chars?

"Well are you coming" The man asked us, his face bright red, slightly purple.

Harry's eyes lit up, surprised he actually convinced him to let me join him over the summer.

Petunia smiled at me "are you coming dearie?"

"yes ma'am" i giggled as i grabbed my trunk and caught up with harry.

hi loves, sorry the chapter is kinda short i'm trying to make them more frequent, i'm not very good at that anyways thank you so much for 56k reads! i love you guys so much, revisions are going okay if your wondering.

But like am i the only one that can see Petunia seeing y/n as a daughter 😭 IT WOULD BE SO CUTE

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