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as the sun rose the next day, i was still wrapped tightly in Theo's arms.

The feeling being Wrapped up in him arms was better than anything I could imagine, I could stay here for eternity .

Better than the feeling of the Slytherin Common room, and that's saying a lot.

The sun was lighting up Theo's bedroom, with Theo still sleeping and his hand just sitting there.

Not to mention the hand with his ring on it, so obviously it would be horrible loss to not take the opportunity to fidget with his rings. It's just sitting there, very very tempting.

Continuing on, I just sat there waiting for him wake up while I fidget with his rings. "Darling, you having fun there" Theo's morning voice never disappointed, I don't think it could ever disappoint anyone.

"Oh yes darling it's never been so entertaining" i said with a cocky grin.

Before he could reply an owl scratching on my window scared the actually living fuck out of me... anyways I got up out of Theo's embrace to let the Owl in. as soon as it entered, it dropped the envelope then flew out again.

"Who's it from" Theo asked sarcastically waiting for me to come back and cuddle.

"Enzo!" I excitingly rip open the letter and being to read

Dear, y/n
the bitchiest bitch i know.

It's your best friend, Lorenzo Berkshire obviously. I'm writing to you because I know that it's so miserable with out me with you. Because I am like your second mother. But the other reason i'm writing you is so you know i'll be returning to hogwarts on january 2nd.
love, Enzo

"Y/nnnnnn come backkkk and cuddleeeee" Theo's whinny voice echoed from his bed. Yes very adorable and very persuasive

"Theooooooo what's the date today?" I asked

"uh the 2nd i think" Theo said in a not so confident tone, still pleading for me to come and cuddle with him

"Theo that means Enzo's coming back today" I said in a cheery voice.

"NOOO HE'LL TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME" let's just say theo wouldn't stop complaining, for hours, and hours. (it was only 20 minutes but felt like forever)

Theo and I moved over to my room, so Enzo knew where to come.

Over the next hour I began to get ready and to see Enzo after almost a month.

Like the bad bitches we are, we do indeed have matching outfits for when we see each other after a long amount of time without seeing each other, which consisted for me a White skirt with a Black semi cropped hoddie. And Enzo white Sweat pants and black hoodie.

If the bitch doesn't where it than imma jump that hoe.

"y/nnn you look pretty" Theo said casually.

"Thank you love" I said quietly, still feeling the blush rising. this bitches compliments make my heart nice

"KNOCK KNOCK BITCH" Enzos voice carried throughout my room.

"YOURE BACK" My scream of joy was most likely heard throughout the castle.

Enzo was about to say something stupid per usual, but he spotted Mattheo laying down in bed.

"Bitch how much girl talk have I missed"  this bitch got cocky as fuck it's like he knew what happened while he was gone.

hey, sorry for not a long chapter. I'm watching Harry Potter and I have been all day so i'm on the 3rd movie rn 🤪. oh and THANK YOU A LL FOR SO MANY READS!!  oh and y'all i saw chapter 10 it got the most amount of reads in the short amount of time, and i'm assuming because of Theo and y/n's fight-

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